workout of the day
"The Odd Block"
4 rounds
2:00 AMRAP 2:00 REST
10 burpees over the parallette
10 parallette push ups
max reps single arm devil's press
Warm Up
2 rounds
10 cyclist squats
10/side wall supported deadbugs
10 feet crab walk
3/side inchworm spiderman walk
*walk hands out to the push up position, do the push up and then bring one foot forward to a low spiderman lunge. Stand up from there to repeat on the other side.*
Bench press
5 sets of 2.2.2 @ 51X1
each set of bench press is 6 reps in total. You lift 2 reps and then take a 15 second rest between the sets of 2s. The tempo is 5 second descend, one second at the chest and then explode.
"The Odd Block"
4 rounds
2:00 AMRAP 2:00 REST
10 burpees over the parallette
10 parallette push ups
max reps single arm devil's press
WOD part 1
KB crush grip floor press
KB swings
pronated body rows- racked barbell- inverted row
anchored feet sit ups
WOD part 2
"Move Up"
10:00 EMOM
build load in the complex
1 thruster
1 front squat @22X1
2 front squats @2X11
Warm Up
cardio choice- one time through
1:00 work 30 seconds rest
45 seconds work 45 seconds rest
30 seconds work 1:00 rest
3 sets
A. RNT goblet split squats x 8/side
B. parallette push ups x 6-8 reps @ 3011
C. touchdown squats x 8-10/side- add more height than last week
WOD part 1
KB crush grip floor press
KB swings
pronated body rows- racked barbell- inverted row
anchored feet sit ups
WOD part 2
"Move Up"
10:00 EMOM
build load in the complex
1 thruster
1 front squat @22X1
2 front squats @2X11