workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Bucky Badger"
7 rounds for time
7 push press 95/65 75/55 55/45
7 burpees over the bar
35 double unders for 70 singles

Warm Up
3 sets
Run 200m
with a med ball
10 each side rotational throws to wall
10 chest passes to wall

A. pause bench press
3 sets of 3 reps @80%
pause one second at the chest for every rep

B. 3 sets of DB rows x 10 each side- build load
C. 4 sets of 15 second DB lateral raises
15 seconds Hercules hold- arms straight out holding DBs with the thumbs up
rest as needed between sets- use really light weight!!

"Bucky Badger"
7 rounds for time
7 push press 95/65 75/55 55/45
7 burpees over the bar
35 double unders for 70 singles

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