workout of the day
"The Griddy"
12:00 AMRAP
7 deadlifts 225/155 185/125 135/95
7 bar facing burpees
7 HSPU or piked on a box
Warm Up
2 sets
1:00 cardio choice
6 inchworms + push up
15 calf raises- stand on a plate or small box
12 barbell thrusters
A. front rack banded stretch x 30 seconds each side
B. ankle stretch x 30 seconds each side
C. deep squat plate hold x 30 seconds
Front Squat
1st rep with a 5 second descend followed by remaining reps as fast as possible
entire set is unbroken
1 + 4 reps @ 62%
1 + 3 reps @ 68%
1 + 2 reps @ 73%
1 + 2 reps @ 75%
"The Griddy"
12:00 AMRAP
7 deadlifts 225/155 185/125 135/95
7 bar facing burpees
7 HSPU or piked on a box