workout of the day
"Chasing Amy"
8:00 AMRAP
Clean & jerk 135/95
burpee + 10' shuffle = 1 rep
At home
8:00 AMRAP
DB clean + push press
burpee + 10' shuffle = 1 rep
Warm Up
2 rounds
10 skaters
10 DB hammer curls
20 hollow body bounces
10 Cossack squats
Strength: Quads and Glutes
3 sets
1. leg behind goblet squat x 5 each side
2. single arm KB rack squat- slow down and no pauses at the bottom or top of squat x 10
3. goblet kick stand pistol squat x 5 each side
4. KB curtsy squat x 5 each side
5. horn grip narrow stance or feet together squats x 10
"Chasing Amy"
8:00 AMRAP
Clean & jerk 135/95
burpee + 10' shuffle = 1 rep
At home
8:00 AMRAP
DB clean + push press
burpee + 10' shuffle = 1 rep
not for time
100 KB/DB pike overs
1)Legs together. Knees locked and toes pointed
2)Hands on ground outside of shoulder width
3)Reach hands out as far as possible (compress torso to legs)
4)Place small barrier by feet and lift legs in unison
5)Control action with each rep