workout of the day
"Chicken Fried"
18:00 AMRAP
100 feet farmer carry
30/22 cals bike
5 wall walks
30/22 cals row
60 second plank hold
Warm Up
Cardio 3:00
thoracic flow 5 reps of each movement
1. yoga push ups
2. beast to alternating leg through
3. deep squat with thoracic rotations
4. prone swimmers
5. prone swimmers with alternating hands- behind the back and behind the head.
squat flow 5 reps of each movement
1. 90/90 hip switch
2. straight leg swings in the 90 position
3. deep squat with thoracic rotations
4. deep squat internal knee rotation
5. internal knee rotation + sit back on heel
Gymnastics Conditioning (6:30 total time)
1 min hollow plank hold
1 min handstand shoulder taps
— rest 2 min —
30 sec hollow plank hold
30 sec handstand shoulder taps
—rest 1 min —
15 sec hollow plank hold
15 sec handstand shoulder taps
3 x 8 each side touchdown squats- higher than before
front squats
4 sets of 3
"Chicken Fried"
18:00 AMRAP
100 feet farmer carry
30/22 cals bike
5 wall walks
30/22 cals row
60 second plank hold
Triple Tuesday
9:00 AMRAP
3 thrusters 95/65 75/55 45/35
6 front squats 95/65 75/55 45/35
9 bar facing burpees
Warm Up
2 sets
10 shoulder circles each direction
10 each side shoulder taps
10 air squats
30 second deep squat hold
10 barbell push press
30 seconds barbell overhead hold
banded lat stretch x 30 seconds each side
wrist warm up- 5-10 reps of each movement
1. fingers pointing back- rock backs
2. fingers pointing forwards- rock backs
3. on the back on hands, finger curl ups
4. staggered hands, rock side to side
5. wrist roll ups
Push Press
6 x 2 reps @ 70-80%
Triple Tuesday
9:00 AMRAP
3 thrusters 95/65 75/55 45/35
6 front squats 95/65 75/55 45/35
9 bar facing burpees
Post WOD- body maintenance
2-3 sets
plank hold 45 seconds
10 double KB Turkish sit ups
10 KB leg lift overs
01.15.2022 Team of 3
Teams of 3
"Ride the Wave"
45 cal row- one person in the team always holds a plank during the row, one rests, one works
60 thrusters 95/65
60 cal row
50 power snatch 115/85
75 cal row
40 front squats 155/105
90 cal row
30 clean and jerk 185/125
Warm Up
3 rounds
5/side tall kneeling to standing
5/side half kneeling prisoner windmills
5 candlestick roll out to standing
3 sets
A. front rack stretch x 30 seconds
B. xiaopengs x 5/arm
Barbell warm up- empty bar
2 rounds
front rack sots press x 8 reps
hang muscle cleans x 5
strict press x 5
hang muscle snatch x 5
overhead squats x 5
Teams of 3
"Ride the Wave"
45 cal row- one person in the team always holds a plank during the row, one rests, one works
60 thrusters 95/65
60 cal row
50 power snatch 115/85
75 cal row
40 front squats 155/105
90 cal row
30 clean and jerk 185/125
08.06.2021 Partner WOD
"We are Together"
17:00 AMRAP
with a partner
200m farmer carry with KBs- divide
30 second handstand hold- same time
20 sandbag over the barbell- chest height- total for partners
20 tire flips- total for partners
60 second plank hold- same time
Warm Up
30 seconds jumping jacks
30 seconds reverse plank bridge hold
30 seconds beast to alternating leg through
shoulder warm up
Alex LaChance Warm ups • Instagram
2 sets of 10 reps each
2 sets
6 x deep squat progressions
5 x empty bar press in receiving position
strength (17:00)
snatch waves
3 reps @ 75%
2 reps @ 80%
1 rep @ 85%
3 reps @ 80%
2 reps @ 85%
1 rep @90%
"We are Together"
17:00 AMRAP
with a partner
200m farmer carry with KBs- divide
30 second handstand hold- same time
20 sandbag over the barbell- chest height- total for partners
20 tire flips- total for partners
60 second plank hold- same time
"Getting Chores Done"
4 rounds for time
row 15 cals
30 second plank hold- option hold on rings
10 alternating box step ups with single DB 50/35 35/20
100 feet farmer carry 50/35 35/20- using 2 DBs
Warm up
2 rounds
50 single unders
10 rower pike ups
4/side beast to alternating leg through
4/side top half Turkish get up- start in the windmill position- hand on the floor in a half kneel
2 sets
prone glute frog pumps x 20 reps
10/side wall supported deadbugs
10 empty bar Kang squats
"Getting Chores Done"
4 rounds for time
row 15 cals
30 second plank hold- option hold on rings
10 alternating box step ups with single DB 50/35 35/20
100 feet farmer carry 50/35 35/20- using 2 DBs
"Spring Ahead"5RFT12 DB sumo deadlifts
8 DB hang cleans
6 DB front squats
30 second plank hold
*add 2 reps to each DB movement per round
Warm Up
2 rounds60 seconds hops
30 seconds Russian baby makers
60 prone plank hold
30 seconds right leg Bulgarian split squats
30 seconds left leg Bulgarian split squats
30 second squat hold
A. Spiderman rock backs x 8/side
B. 90/90 hip switch with a lean x 6/side
C. T-spine rotations with leg out to the side x 8/side
D. Cobra to downdog + heel pedal x 8 reps
"Spring Ahead"
12 DB sumo deadlifts
8 DB hang cleans
6 DB front squats
30 second plank hold
*add 2 reps to each DB movement per round
03.18.2020 WOD + At Home
15:00 EMOM
min 1- 3 back squats @ 70-75% @ 13x1
min 2- 1-5 strict pull ups or ring muscle ups
min 3- 5- 10 push ups
Warm Up
Cardio choice for 3:00
4 rounds work rest w partner
60sec of work/60sec rest
•1 shoot out
•walk to inverted pike handstand
•4 shoulder taps
•walk to plank
•straight jump
•repeat for 60sec
shoulder opener x 45 seconds
yoga push up x 5
Skill: handstands - practice good stacked position up right
4:00 EMOM
1 wall walk + 10 second plank hold
3:00 EMOM
wall facing handstand march x 10 reps each side
Gymnastics WOD
5:00 EMOM
20 seconds handstand hold or handstand walking
40 second rest
Mobility: hip warm up
1. band hip airplanes
2. band kick backs
3. band knee knockers each side
4. band bridging- feet together, feet wide, feet hip width
Take 5-8:00 to warm up to your 70% back squat weight
15:00 EMOM
min 1- 3 back squats @ 70-75% @ 13x1
min 2- 1-5 strict pull ups or ring muscle ups
min 3- 5- 10 push ups
At Home WOD
15:00 EMOM
min 1- sprint 200m
min 2- 10-12 squat jumps
min 3- 5-10 push ups
4 rounds
30 seconds work 20 seconds rest
mountain climbers
tuck ups or v-ups
superman rocks- so just like hollow rocks, but prone in the superman position