workout of the day
Maximum Cleaning Power
Every 3 Minutes for 9 Minutes
20/16 Calorie Row
60 Double Unders
Maximum Rep Power Clean and Jerk
Score is total clean and jerk reps from all 3 rounds
Barbell Recommendations
Advanced 155/105
Intermediate 135/95
Fitness 95/65
No rest between rounds
1:1 Single Under:Double Under
A. 4 sets of 3-position clean + 1 split jerk
(hang clean, hang clean below the knee, floor)@ 70-75%
B. 3 sets of power clean + clean + jerk @78-82%
Maximum Cleaning Power
Every 3 Minutes for 9 Minutes
20/16 Calorie Row
60 Double Unders
Maximum Rep Power Clean and Jerk
Score is total clean and jerk reps from all 3 rounds
Barbell Recommendations
Advanced 155/105
Intermediate 135/95
Fitness 95/65
No rest between rounds
1:1 Single Under:Double Under
"Bear on the Run"
10:00 AMRAP
100m run
one bear complex 135/95 115/75 95/65
*Bear Complex
1 power clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 back squat
1 push press
then partner up for reverse sled drags
each pair will need to complete 300m reverse sled drag- walk backwards
switch at the 50m(fence)
load is your choice- be able to complete 50m unbroken!
3 sets
A. DB floor press x 10-12 reps @20X1
B. wide grip strict pull ups x 6-10 reps
C. DB curls- start with hammer curl up then reverse curl down x 8 reps @2020
"Bear on the Run"
10:00 AMRAP
100m run
one bear complex 135/95 115/75 95/65
*Bear Complex
1 power clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 back squat
1 push press
then partner up for reverse sled drags
each pair will need to complete 300m reverse sled drag- walk backwards
switch at the 50m(fence)
load is your choice- be able to complete 50m unbroken!
A. 4 sets of 3-position clean + 1 split jerk
(hang clean, hang clean below the knee, floor)@ 65-70%
B. 3 sets of power clean + clean + jerk @72-78%
C. 5 sets of
clean + jerk @82%+
build load while maintaining form
Tempo front squats
5 sets of 5 reps @ 60% with tempo 2211
A. 4 sets of 3-position clean + 1 split jerk
(hang clean, hang clean below the knee, floor)@ 65-70%
B. 3 sets of power clean + clean + jerk @72-78%
C. 5 sets of
clean + jerk @82%+
build load while maintaining form
Finisher- 3 sets, you pick load
A. KB halo + Cossack x 8 on right and 8 and left
B. KB swing to a goblet hold, then curtsy lunge x 8 each side
07.04.2023 7,8,9am Only
Best Friends
with a partner
Buy In: 100 cals on a machine
20 rounds- you go, I go style
8 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
4 bar facing burpees
2 muscle ups/C2B pull ups/pull ups
Cash Out: 100 cals on a machine
Best Friends
with a partner
Buy In: 100 cals on a machine
20 rounds- you go, I go style
8 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
4 bar facing burpees
2 muscle ups/C2B pull ups/pull ups
Cash Out: 100 cals on a machine
06.21.2023 Hero WOD Holleyman
WOD - Time cap 30:00
30 Rounds For Time
5 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
3 Handstand Push-Ups
1 Power Clean (225/155 lb)
3 sets of
3 clean pulls + 3 power cleans@50-55%
3 sets of
2 clean pulls + 2 power cleans @ 60-65%
3 sets of
1 clean pull + 1 power clean @70%+
WOD - Time cap 30:00
30 Rounds For Time
5 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
3 Handstand Push-Ups
1 Power Clean (225/155 lb)
Background: U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Aaron N. Holleyman, 27, of Glasgow, MS, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group, based in Fort Campbell, KY, was killed on August 30, 2004, when his Military vehicle hit an improvised explosive device in Khutayiah, Iraq.
He is survived by his daughters Shelby and Erin, son Zachary, parents Ross and Glenda, and siblings Kelly and Daniel.
The “Holleyman” Hero WOD was first posted on the CrossFit Main Site as the workout of the day for Thursday, August 30, 2012 (“120830”).
**Scaling options for weight
185/135 155/105 135/95 115/75
06.10.2023 Partner WOD
with a partner, you go I go style
10 rounds
12 cal row
10 TTB
8 wall balls
6 power cleans
4 bar muscle ups or C2B pull ups
Primer- shoulders
2 sets
12 prone Y raises
12 DB side lying raises each side
30 seconds thoracic spine extension https://youtu.be/tph_8KN9vQw (1st in the video)
2 sets
1. Single Arm Kneeling Press: x 8 each arm
2. Half Kneeling Halos: x 8 each position
3. Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift: x 8 each arm
4. Single Arm hang clean & jerk: x 8 each arm
with a partner, you go I go style
10 rounds
12 cal row
10 TTB
8 wall balls
6 power cleans
4 bar muscle ups or C2B pull ups
Barbell EMOM 12:00
min 1- 10 S2OH
min 2- 10 hang power clean
min 3- 10 font squats
*choose a weight so you can do each minute unbroken
Clean & Jerk
A. every 2:00 for 16:00- take 3 sets as warm up weights then complete the 8 sets
clean lift off with pause @ knee
clean pull
power clean
power jerk
set 1-3@ 70-75%
set 4-6@ 75-80%
set 7-8@ 80%+
Barbell EMOM 12:00
min 1- 10 S2OH
min 2- 10 hang power clean
min 3- 10 font squats
*choose a weight so you can do each minute unbroken