workout of the day
15:00 AMRAP
3 muscle ups ring or bar/ 3 C2B pull ups + 3 ring dips/ 6 pull ups
6 power snatch 135/95 115/75 95/65
12 alternating pistols - sub a progression
15 abmat sit ups
Warm Up
2 rounds:
50 Single unders
5 strict press from behind the neck
5 snatch balance
5 snatch grip deadlifts
10 deadbugs (5 each side)
3 hollow body wall walks
Primer: with PVC and a band
Primer with PVC
✅Snatch Push Press - Over Head Strength
✅Over Head Squat - Core Strength
✅Heaving Snatch Balance - Arm Speed
✅Snatch Balance ‘No Dip’ - Foot & Arm Speed
✅Snatch Balance - Foot & Arm Speed.
Skill: snatch
4 sets of the complex- build to 50% snatch 1RM
1 snatch high pull
1 slow pull power snatch (3 sec pull to knee)
1 power snatch
Power snatch with a pause at the knee for 3 seconds
4 reps @ 60%
4 reps @65%
3 reps @70%
15:00 AMRAP
3 muscle ups ring or bar/ 3 C2B pull ups + 3 ring dips/ 6 pull ups
6 power snatch 135/95 115/75 95/65
12 alternating pistols - sub a progression
15 abmat sit ups