workout of the day
WOD #1
10:00 AMRAP
"Base Camp"
6/side bicep curl + Arnold press
8/side single arm DB deadlifts
10 prisoner step ups
Rest 2:00
WOD #2
3 Rounds(12:00)
30 Seconds- Floor Press
30 Seconds- Row
30 Seconds- RDL
One round on the Right side then straight into one round on the Left side
Rest 1 Minute and repeat
Warm Up200m run10 DB sumo deadlifts
10 DB good mornings
10/side DB hip hurdles
10/side DB Turkish sit ups
200m run
Strength Set
3 sets
A. Split Stance Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift @ 3110 6-8/leg https://youtu.be/LBzxZCUZrNA
B. Single leg hip thrusts @20x0 6-8/leg
WOD #1
10:00 AMRAP
"Base Camp"
6/side bicep curl + Arnold press
8/side single arm DB deadlifts
10 prisoner step ups
Rest 2:00
WOD #2
3 Rounds(12:00)
30 Seconds- Floor Press
30 Seconds- Row
30 Seconds- RDL
One round on the Right side then straight into one round on the Left side
Rest 1 Minute and repeat
2mins Wall Sit
2mins Alternating Turkish Get Up 53/35
2mins Reverse Sled Drag HEAVY- 2 plates added
2mins Prisoner Step Ups 24/20" (hands behind head)
2mins Row @ Damper 10
Warm Up
500m row or bike
then 3 sets of:
5 broad jumps (build distance each set)
10 lateral step ups
6 each side half kneeling landmine press - stick barbell at the corner of the squat rack
Mobility: https://www.instagram.com/p/BrWgnItAPju/
1️⃣Rear foot elevated pelvic tilts - perform 8/each side with a 2 second pause.
2️⃣Seated 90/90 hip shifts - perform 6 each side.
3️⃣Ankle mobility with a green mini-band. Perform 10 reps on each side with the band around the lowest part of your shin. Move your knee forward without letting your heel pop up and aim your knee towards your pinky toe.
4️⃣Kettlebell squat prying - these can be done with a kettlebell or a dumbbell. Squat down as low you can, push your knees out with your elbows, get your chest up tall, and then rock side to side and “pry” yourself lower and lower. Perform two 15 second squat prys.
Skill: front squat
5,5,5 with a 331 tempo3 seconds to descend
3 second pause
1 second up
The weight on the bar should be light so that you can perform the tempo for 5 reps
Build load over the 3 sets (55,65,75# as an example for a female)
2mins Wall Sit
2mins Alternating Turkish Get Up 53/35
2mins Reverse Sled Drag HEAVY- 2 plates added
2mins Prisoner Step Ups 24/20" (hands behind head)
2mins Row @ Damper 10
4 sets not timed
50m Farmer Carry - tough load
100 Single unders
10m Duck walk
20 Prisoner step ups- alternating https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu_h44V74ok
3 TGU per side
Warm Up
Every 4:00 for 12:00
run 400m
15 air squats
15 hollow rocks
Hip flow https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh7BCJ4BraN
wrist flow https://www.instagram.com/p/BmL8lWMHc4Q
4 sets not timed
50m Farmer Carry - tough load
100 Single unders
10m Duck walk
20 Prisoner step ups- alternating https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu_h44V74ok
3 TGU per side
Skill: Push Press
all 8's should be 50% 1RM
build with the 5-3-2 reps