workout of the day
11.26.2020 Happy Thanksgiving
Partner Thanksgiving WOD
10:00 AMRAP
Person A completes as many rounds of 10 feet shuttle runs until Partner B is done
Person B completes one round:
KB swing x 8
push up x 7
goblet squat x 6
v-ups x 5
DB/KB snatch x 4 (2/side)
Partner Thanksgiving WOD
10:00 AMRAP
Person A completes as many rounds of 10 feet shuttle runs until Partner B is done
Person B completes one round:
KB swing x 8
push up x 7
goblet squat x 6
v-ups x 5
DB/KB snatch x 4 (2/side)
3 sets
hollow hold x 20 seconds or move to a bent knee hollow hold
10 windshield wipers (5/side)
20 bicycle crunches (10/side)