workout of the day
5:00 EMOM
3 power cleans @ 60%
rest 1:00
4:00 EMOM
2 power cleans @70%
rest 1:00
3:00 EMOM
1 power clean @75-80%
5:00 EMOM
3 power cleans @ 60%
rest 1:00
4:00 EMOM
2 power cleans @70%
rest 1:00
3:00 EMOM
1 power clean @75-80%
Post WOD
3 sets
A. landmine tall kneeling press x 10/side @30X0
B. reverse sled drag x 50m (25m out and back) - walking backwards
C. hollow hold x 20-30 seconds
"Queen of Hearts"
Every 4:00 for 5 sets
400m/350m row
15 DUs or 30 singles
5 deadlifts
each round the DL increases from 65%-70-75-80-85%
*record times and load*
Warm up
2 sets
20 steps death march
5 each side spiderman lunges
20 tib raises
5 each side Cossack squats
9:00 EMOM
min1- reverse sled drag- add weight to the small sleds and walk backwards with straps
min2- suitcase carry heavy 25 seconds each side
min3- deadlift x 3 reps building load each round
"Queen of Hearts"
Every 4:00 for 5 sets
400m/350m row
15 DUs or 30 singles
5 deadlifts
each round the DL increases from 65%-70-75-80-85%
*record times and load*
"Dragging Annie"
Double unders
Sit ups
after each set reverse drag the sled 50m (pylon and back)
Warm Up
50 single unders
10 each side DB strict press
100 feet single arm DB overhead carry (50' each side)
50 single unders
5 each side DB windmills
3 each side Turkish get ups
Bullet Proof Shoulders
2 x 10 reps lat eccentrics with PVC and a small plate on the PVC
2 rounds
6 reps reach, roll and lift
30 seconds of alternating bottoms up KB press- hold the KB at 90 degrees with the bottom facing up. Press one at a time alternating the presses.
A. Push press
5 x 3 reps @60-65-70-75-80
B. banded face pulls x 15 reps
"Dragging Annie"
Double unders
Sit ups
after each set reverse drag the sled 50m (pylon and back)
14:00 AMRAP
reverse sled pull x 50m
run x 200m
kettle bell swings x 15 reps 53/35
TTB x 10 reps
HSPU x 5 reps
Warm Up
2 sets
200m run
10 drop lunge to knee lift each side
30 seconds quadruped shoulder taps
Primer- 2 sets
A1. knees over toes split squats @20X0 x 8 reps each side
A2. cyclist squats @31X0; 8-10 reps
Tempo Front Squat @2121, 3,3,2,2,2; rest 2-3mins (focus on great positions this week - maintain strict tempo)
14:00 AMRAP
reverse sled pull x 50m
run x 200m
kettle bell swings x 15 reps 53/35
TTB x 10 reps
HSPU x 5 reps
07.03.19 No 6:30pm Class
7mins AMRAP
Reverse Sled Drag 25m
5 Strict or Kip HSPU
Sled Push 25m
10 Kettlebell 2-arm Deadlifts
rest 3mins
7mins AMRAP
Assault Bike 15/12 Cals
12 Alternating Pistols (bodyweight)
9 push ups
*Sub Prisoner Box Step Up for Pistols today if needed
Warm Up
2 rounds:
100m run
10 single leg RDLs each side
5/side hip flexor kicks
5/side spiderman lunges
5 sumo inchworms
Primer: Bulgarian Split squats
3 sets of 10 reps each side- no weight
7mins AMRAP
Reverse Sled Drag 25m
5 Strict or Kip HSPU
Sled Push 25m
10 Kettlebell 2-arm Deadlifts
rest 3mins
7mins AMRAP
Assault Bike 15/12 Cals
12 Alternating Pistols (bodyweight)
9 push ups
*Sub Prisoner Box Step Up for Pistols today if needed
4 rounds- not timed- athlete chooses load making sure to adhere to the tempo on the squats and the reverse sled drag (walking backwards while pulling the straps) should be a quick jog, not run. Add load appropriately.
8-10 reps tempo front rack KB squats 32x1
150' (pylon and back) reverse sled drag
Rest 2:00
WOD- 16:00 time cap so scale the run to 300m and the weight on the deadlift if necessary
400m Run
10 deadlifts 275/185 225/135 185/115
15 TTB or hanging knee raises
Warm up
3 rounds:
Run 100m
Posted Single-Leg Deadlifts x 8-10 reps @ 3011 (Left Leg)
Posted Single-Leg Deadlifts x 8-10 reps @ 3011 (Right Leg)
Half Kneeling single arm DB Press x 8 reps/side
Mobility: https://www.instagram.com/p/BqOqcn0FVvX/
10 x banded pull thrus
8/side half kneeling reach
10x KB deadlift- put the KB inside the feet and lift with both hands on the bell
4 rounds- not timed- athlete chooses load making sure to adhere to the tempo on the squats and the reverse sled drag (walking backwards while pulling the straps) should be a quick jog, not run. Add load appropriately.
8-10 reps tempo front rack KB squats 32x1
150' (pylon and back) reverse sled drag
Rest 2:00
WOD- 16:00 time cap so scale the run to 300m and the weight on the deadlift if necessary
400m Run
10 deadlifts 275/185 225/135 185/115
15 TTB or hanging knee raises
Complete as many rounds as possible, at 80-85% intensity, in 20 minutes:
50 Foot Reverse Sled Drag (heavy)- attach the straps to the small sleds- this distance is one length of the gym from the garage door to the wall ball wall.
400 Meter Row
10 Renegade Rows 35/20 20/15 *row left, row right, push up*
15 Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
Warm Up
Two sets of:
Row x 2 minutes @ 2:10+ pace
Scap Push-Ups x 5 reps
Push-Ups x 10 reps
Goblet Squats x 15 reps 50/35
Mobility: mulit-planar hip
1. 6 reps each side lateral lunge to cross behind
2. 8 reps each side wall hip airplanes
3. 8 reps each side 90/90 hip switches
4. 3 reps each side (1 rep is the 3 directions) 3-way single leg deadlift
Skill: 10:00 EMOM
min 1- 7 back squats- from the rack 185/125 135/95
min 2- 10 hip thrusts- back on a bench- barbell loaded to 115/75
Complete as many rounds as possible, at 80-85% intensity, in 20 minutes:
50 Foot Reverse Sled Drag (heavy)- attach the straps to the small sleds- this distance is one length of the gym from the garage door to the wall ball wall.
400 Meter Row
10 Renegade Rows 35/20 20/15 *row left, row right, push up*
15 Box Jump Overs (24/20″)