workout of the day
"Queen of Hearts"
Every 4:00 for 5 sets
400m/350m row
15 DUs or 30 singles
5 deadlifts
each round the DL increases from 65%-70-75-80-85%
*record times and load*
Warm up
2 sets
20 steps death march
5 each side spiderman lunges
20 tib raises
5 each side Cossack squats
9:00 EMOM
min1- reverse sled drag- add weight to the small sleds and walk backwards with straps
min2- suitcase carry heavy 25 seconds each side
min3- deadlift x 3 reps building load each round
"Queen of Hearts"
Every 4:00 for 5 sets
400m/350m row
15 DUs or 30 singles
5 deadlifts
each round the DL increases from 65%-70-75-80-85%
*record times and load*
01.08.2022 Partner WOD
Monster Chipper
partner wod
"I go, You go"
50 Devil's press 50/35 35/20
100 Burpees
200 Air squats
3000m row
time cap 30:00
Warm Up
Dynamic led by coach
Tangletown CrossFit (@tangletowncrossfit) • Instagram photos and videos
Tangletown CrossFit (@tangletowncrossfit) • Instagram photos and videos
10 reps of each or 10-15 second hold
1. arm circles forward and back
2. arm horizontal swings
4. around the world- arms crossed in front of body, feet together
5. alternating side bends
6.standing straddle- stretch to one foot, then the other
7. standing straddle - hands grabbing feet
8. feet together squat hold
9. standing forward fold hold
10. down dog
11. up dog
2nd video
1. world's greatest stretch
2. quad stretch
3. hamstring stretch + ankle work
4. modified pigeon stretch
repeat on the other side
Monster Chipper
partner wod
"I go, You go"
50 Devil's press 50/35 35/20
100 Burpees
200 Air squats
3000m row
time cap 30:00
"Smooth Sailing"
For Time
Row 1000m/800m
50 devil's press 35/25 20/15
200 feet walking lunges with DBs front racked
complete 50 v-ups- sub tuck ups
Warm up
3 sets
6-8 half kneeling bottom up KB press/side
12 lateral banded walks/side
12 scapular push ups on elbows
9:00 EMOM
min 1 -row or bike 30 second acceleration (10 sec medium, 10 sec fast, 10 sec hard)
min 2 -10-14 reps single arm KB swings
min 3 -10 reps feet together air squats
"Smooth Sailing"
For Time
Row 1000m/800m
50 devil's press 35/25 20/15
200 feet walking lunges with DBs front racked
complete 50 v-ups- sub tuck ups
Cool Down
seated forward fold 1:00
supine twisted cross x 30 second each side
child's pose 1:00
500m Row
400m Run
10 kip HSPU/ 5 strict HSPU / 5 each side seated DB strict press
5/side KB goblet box step ups- box height should be at or slightly above the knee
Warm Up
2 rounds
100m run
10 x shoulder taps/side
10 x banded lateral walks
5/side lateral box step ups
10 x glute bridges on a box
Mobility: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxv-F2njkBu/ (starting at 4th clip on video)
1. floor angels with passive thoracic stretch x 10 reps
2. passive shoulder flexion with thoracic extension x 10 reps
3. t-spine stretch on foam roller x 5 with good exhales as you are stretching through the chest
4. active shoulder flexion hovers x 10
Skill: work through 3 rounds
A. bent over rows- single arm DB row x 6 -8 each side
B. 8-10 push ups
500m Row
400m Run
10 kip HSPU/ 5 strict HSPU / 5 each side seated DB strict press
5/side KB goblet box step ups- box height should be at or slightly above the knee