workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest

12.24.2022 Team of 3

"Jolly Old Saint Nick"
Team of 3
30:00 CAP
60 Clean & Jerk 155/105    135/95    115/75
300m row each person on the team
10 rope climbs or 20 up/downs
300m row each person
100 bar facing burpees
300m row each person
10 rope climbs
300m row each person 
60 Clean & Jerk  155/105 135/95  115/75

Warm Up
2 sets
200m row/ski/bike
5/side plate drop back lunges
10 x goblet squats- slow to fast tempo
5/side half kneeling KB strict press
50' perfect stretch walk- lunge + forearm to the floor + thoracic rotation + straight leg stretch

3 x eccentric pull ups with a 5-6 sec descend
box stretch with PVC x 45 seconds
5/side x squat Y's with 2.5 -5# plates in each hand

Clean warm up with empty barbell
 Burgener Warm up
round one with empty bar
1. jump and shrug
2. jump and shrug + high pull
3. jump and shrug + muscle clean
4. tall clean to 2"
5. push jerk

"Jolly Old Saint Nick"
Team of 3
30:00 CAP
60 Clean & Jerk 155/105    135/95    115/75
300m row each person on the team
10 rope climbs or 20 up/downs
300m row each person
100 bar facing burpees
300m row each person
10 rope climbs
300m row each person 
60 Clean & Jerk  155/105 135/95  115/75

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"DT on a Boat"
Every 5:00 for 25:00
Row 25/18 cals
one round of DT
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 jerks
RX 155/105
INT 115/75
SC 75/55

Warm Up
2 sets
Cyclists Front Squat x 10 reps @ 3011
100-Foot Bottom’s Up Kettlebell Carry – 50-foot each arm
Dumbbell Death March x 20 steps @ 2011


1. thoracic extensions x two passes up and down with 6 extensions at each - inhale/exhale at each
2. wall supported deadbugs x 30 seconds continuous - press hard into the wall
3. supinated band pull aparts x 12 reps with 1-2 second pause at each
4. wrist stretches x 30-60 seconds hitting all positions

Split jerks
A. 3 sets of 1 pause split jerk + 1 split jerk @55-70%
pause for 2 seconds on the dip and 2 seconds in the receiving position

B. 5:00 EMOM
1 rep split jerk- build in load- pick up where you left off in weight from part A.

"DT on a Boat"
Every 5:00 for 25:00
Row 25/18 cals
one round of DT
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 jerks
RX 155/105
INT 115/75
SC 75/55

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest

10.24.2020 Team Of 4


For Time, Complete as a team of 4 athletes

Calories on the Rower and Barbell Thrusters

21, 18, 15, 12

All Athletes assemble by the rowers after setting their barbell up and in front of the rowers. Athlete 1 will start the WOD strapped into the rower with the remaining teammates behind. Upon completion of the calories the team will hustle to their individual barbell and each athlete will complete the thrusters. Before Athlete 2 can start rowing 18 calories, each team member must complete the Thrusters and tag the rower. Repeat until the end. Time is called when your entire team tags the rower at the end.

Teams rest 3:00 then complete
5:00 AMRAP
slam balls for max reps
2 athletes working while 2 are resting
35/30/20/15 for weights

**record wod time and then reps for the AMRAP**

Warm Up
3 sets
7 barbell deadlifts
7 barbell hang power cleans
7 barbell strict press
5-8 push ups
20 jumping jack

2 sets
A.  front rack stretch x  30 seconds
B.  xiaopengs x 5/arm  

C. deep squat plate hold x 15 seconds on, 15 seconds off
D. thread the needle + thoracic rotation x 5/side


For Time, Complete as a team of 4 athletes

Calories on the Rower and Barbell Thrusters

21, 18, 15, 12

All Athletes assemble by the rowers after setting their barbell up and in front of the rowers. Athlete 1 will start the WOD strapped into the rower with the remaining teammates behind. Upon completion of the calories the team will hustle to their individual barbell and each athlete will complete the thrusters. Before Athlete 2 can start rowing 18 calories, each team member must complete the Thrusters and tag the rower. Repeat until the end. Time is called when your entire team tags the rower at the end.

Teams rest 3:00 then complete
5:00 AMRAP
slam balls for max reps
2 athletes working while 2 are resting
35/30/20/15 for weights

**record wod time and then reps for the AMRAP**

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


4 sets
3:00 work  3:00 rest
250m row
12 C2B pull ups or 12 pull ups
max reps DB snatch in remaining time
*record reps of DB snatch

Warm Up
2 rounds
200m row or bike
8 Cossacks/side
8 sumo inchworms
10 goblet good mornings -KB is behind the back
20 second active hang on rig

Banded hollow position
Box stretch for both thoracic spine and lats

Lat warm up
1. banded lat pull down (standing)
2. banded lat pull down (kneeling with PVC)
3. racked bar scooter swings
4. hollow bar press downs (#1 on the list below)

Skill: hollow/arch and kip swings

1. work with a box and practice the hollow position
2. work on holding the arch position

3. work on pressing down on the bar for the hollow position- hollow- neutral-hollow
4. work full kip- hollow-arch-hollow

advanced skill: work on the same swings from the high rings

1. large swings

2. smaller swings + pop swing- timing for hip extension.  Feet go forward and stop abruptly  in front

4 sets
3:00 work  3:00 rest
250m row
12 C2B pull ups or 12 pull ups
max reps DB snatch in remaining time
*record reps of DB snatch

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


15 clusters 135/95 115/75 95/65
1 K row
15 clusters 135/95 115/75 95/65

3 rounds of:
1:00 row or bike
5/side RDLs with one KB
5/side sciatic nerve floss
5/side KB windmills
30 feet bear crawl- slowly moving

Mobility: Ankles
1. Elevated heel squat with an extended plate- hold for 30 seconds and do 3 reps
With your feet grabbing the side of a plate and big toes jammed into the ground, hold another plate in front of your body as you sink into a deep body weight squat (this can be as light as a 25 lb or 10 kg plate held in front). Keep your core braced as you squat as deep as you can with your upper body as upright as possible. Don’t sit your hips back but instead pull your hips and knees forward as far as possible while maintaining a balanced foot position.

2. Support Squat Hold- hold for 30 seconds and do 3 reps
Stand about a foot away from a rack or rig with your feet in a straight forward position slightly outside of shoulder width (this width may be a little exaggerated for some but that’s the goal). With your core braced squat as low as you can and pull your hips forward. This should bring out a good stretch in your groin/hips.

Skill: back squat day 4
3 reps @ 45-50%
3 reps @ 65-70%
1,2,3,4,5 reps @ 80%
2 1/2 minutes rest between the 80% reps

15 clusters 135/95 115/75 95/65
1 K row
15 clusters 135/95 115/75 95/65

**stagger the start for getting on the rowers**

November Rowing Challenge- 3 rowing workouts will be posted each week. Give them a try. Work on your cardio and your rowing technique.

Workout One: 5 sets of 1:00 max cals 1:00 Rest

Workout Two: 8 sets of 20 sec. row sprint for cals. 2:00 walk rest

Workout Three:

4:00 at 18-22 sPM damper 8/7
Rest 1:00
3:00 at 22-25 sPM damper 7/6
Rest 1:00
2:00 at 25-28 at sPM damper 7/6
Rest 1:00
1:00 at 28-32 sPM damper 8/7

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


3 sets - record times for each set
Row 500m/425m
KB swings x 21 70/53
Rest 2:00

Warm Up
2:00 cardio choice
2 rounds:

5/side lateral box step ups
8/side DB high pull - light weight
5/side spiderman lunges
8 sumo inchworms + push up
5 kip swings

Jumping Warm-Up

3 sets - record times for each set
Row 500m/425m
KB swings x 21 70/53
Rest 2:00

Skill: back squats day 2
5 reps @ 30-35%
5 reps @ 50-55%
5 reps @ 70%
6 reps @ 70%
7 reps @ 70%
8 reps @ 70%

be sure to rest 2 1/2 mins between the last few sets

Mobility of the Week 12:00 Total
child's pose 1:00
downward dog 1:00
extended arm lizard 2:00 right side
downward dog 1:00
extended arm lizard 2:00 left side
standing straddle 3:00
forward fold 2:00

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest

06.03.19 'Wallball Biathlon'

For Time

Wallball Biathlon
1000m Row

40 Wallballs 20/14

750m Row

30 Wallballs

500m Row

20 Wallballs

250m Row

10 Wallballs


-Each time you break up your wallballs complete 8 burpees. Before returning to your set.


Intermediate- 750-600-500-250 Row, 30-20-15-10 Reps

Scaled – 600-400-300-200 Row, 20-15-10-5 Reps

Warm Up

2 rounds

100m run
10 push up shoulder taps each side
100m run
5 yoga push ups -from a plank position lower to a up dog then back to a downward dog and then plank
100m run
10 deep squat progressions

Mobility: squat

1️⃣Quadruped Rockback – get on all fours with a wide stance, sink back into deep hip flexion, stretching your groin and glute muscles.⁣⁣
2️⃣Ankle Prying – get down into a squat, lean to one side and push the knee forward while keeping the heel down, stretching the lower calf region.⁣⁣
3️⃣Foam Roller T-Spine – get down on the ground in a supine position with a foam roller placed underneath the upper back and your hands behind your head. Use your thoracic extensors to arch the upper back over the foam roller.⁣⁣
4️⃣Ankle Rocking – from a kneeling position in a deep lunge, push the knee forward while keeping the heel down, striving to feel the stretch in the lower calf area.⁣⁣
5️⃣Squat Adductor – get down into the bottom of a squat and use your elbows to push your knees outward, stretching the inner thigh muscles.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣
Do 3 rounds of 6 reps of each of these then proceed to your squat workout.⁣⁣

Skill: pause front squats
5 x 2 reps at every 1:30 @ 60-65%

For Time

Wallball Biathlon
1000m Row

40 Wallballs 20/14

750m Row

30 Wallballs

500m Row

20 Wallballs

250m Row

10 Wallballs


-Each time you break up your wallballs complete 8 burpees. Before returning to your set.


Intermediate- 750-600-500-250 Row, 30-20-15-10 Reps

Scaled – 600-400-300-200 Row, 20-15-10-5 Reps

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