workout of the day
The 12 Days of Shutdown
1. manmaker
2. cleans
3. thrusters
4. snatch
5. front squat
6. rows
7. push press
8. sumo deadlift high pull
9. step ups
10. OHS
11. KB swings
12. devil's press
Warm Up
3 rounds
8 DB halos- 4 each direction
6 DB sumo deadlift high pulls
4 burpees over the DB
2/side DB muscle snatch
30 seconds deep squat hold
The 12 Days of Shutdown
1. manmaker
2. cleans
3. thrusters
4. snatch
5. front squat
6. rows-bent over
7. push press
8. sumo deadlift high pull
9. step ups
10. OHS
11. KB swings
12. devil's press
** this is done like the song The 12 Days of Christmas**
1 manmaker
2 cleans + 1 manmaker
3 thrusters + 2 cleans + 1 manmaker
keep adding days
10 reps of each exercise- green or blue mini-band
1. Clam Shell Side Plank Hip Thrusts- band below the knees
2. Abduction Bias Hip Thrust- band above knees from the bench or box
3. Band Walk Squares- band around ankles- only do 3 walks around the box each direction
4. Banded Donkey Kick Backs- band above the knees