workout of the day
10.01.2022 Teams
"2- Point Conversion"
20:00 AMRAP
split the class up into three teams
this is a relay against your buddies on the other teams
Order of the relay- waterfall style- no person from behind can pass someone in front
1. sled push to the pylon and pull back to the start line. Sleds should have 15# plate added
2. at the pylon complete 4 sandbag cleans + sandbag carry from the pylon to the fence and back to the pylon. Leave the sandbag there for your teammate.
3. run around the building to the side door by the bikes
4. complete 8 lateral burpees over a parallette- run outside the garage door to tag a teammate or go again.
Warm up
Bike/row 2:00
side shuffle x 2 lengths of gym
walking lunges x 2 lengths of gym
sumo inchworms x 10 reps
squat press outs with light plate or DB x 10 reps - in the bottom of the squat press the plate straight out and back
lateral leg swings x 10 each
3 sets of this complex each side
2 DB windmills+1 DB single arm ohs + 2 DB single arm press in squat.
"2- Point Conversion"
20:00 AMRAP
split the class up into three teams
this is a relay against your buddies on the other teams
Order of the relay- waterfall style- no person from behind can pass someone in front
1. sled push to the pylon and pull back to the start line. Sleds should have 15# plate added
2. at the pylon complete 4 sandbag cleans + sandbag carry from the pylon to the fence and back to the pylon. Leave the sandbag there for your teammate.
3. run around the building to the side door by the bikes
4. complete 8 lateral burpees over a parallette- run outside the garage door to tag a teammate or go again.
09.09.19 Two-Parter
power snatch 115/75 95/65 75/55
TTB or hanging knee raises
HSPU or piked from a box or downward dog hspu
Rest 2:00
then complete in a 4:00 time cap
200m run- 4 lengths from the start line to the white line and back
10 sandbag cleans
50m sandbag bear hug carry
*choose a sandbag that allows you to get all work done under time cap
Warm Up
2 sets of
Assault bike 1:00 - last 10 seconds sprint
Row 1:00 - last 10 seconds sprint
2 sets of:
2 TGU each side
banded hollow lat pulls x 10 reps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTgIKeYI2zc
6-8 bent over barbell rows
tall kneeling anti-extension press x 10 reps https://www.instagram.com/p/BsVjW1fBLzL/
tabletop bridgex 30 seconds with fingers out and then fingers facing into you
greatest stretch alive x 5/side
Barbell Warm Up
with an empty bar complete 5 reps of the following:
1. snatch grip behind the head press
2. snatch grip behind the head press in a quarter squat
3. jumping squats with barbell on your back- continuous
4. Cossack squats with barbell on your back- but you can take it off it needed
5. muscle snatch from the hang
power snatch 115/75 95/65 75/55
TTB or hanging knee raises
HSPU or piked from a box or downward dog hspu
Rest 2:00
then complete in a 4:00 time cap
200m run- 4 lengths from the start line to the white line and back
10 sandbag cleans
50m sandbag bear hug carry
*choose a sandbag that allows you to get all work done under time cap
Mobility Challenge
Spend 1 minute pigeon pose (R)
Spend 1 minute pigeon pose (L)
Spend 2 minutes seated cross shin pose (R)
Spend 2 minutes seated cross shin pose (L)
Spend 3 minutes saddle pose
Spend 2 minutes puppy dog pose
07.13.19 Bring a Friend Day -relay wod
20:00 AMRAP
split the class up into three teams
this is a relay against your buddies on the other teams
Order of the relay- waterfall style- no person from behind can pass someone in front
1. sled push to the pylon and pull back to the start line. Sleds should have 15# plate added
2. at the pylon complete 4 sandbag cleans + sandbag carry from the pylon to the fence and back to the pylon. Leave the sandbag there for your teammate.
3. run around the building to the side door by the bikes
4. complete 8 lateral burpees over a parallette- run outside the garage door to tag a teammate or go again.
20:00 AMRAP
split the class up into three teams
this is a relay against your buddies on the other teams
Order of the relay- waterfall style- no person from behind can pass someone in front
1. sled push to the pylon and pull back to the start line. Sleds should have 15# plate added
2. at the pylon complete 4 sandbag cleans + sandbag carry from the pylon to the fence and back to the pylon. Leave the sandbag there for your teammate.
3. run around the building to the side door by the bikes
4. complete 8 lateral burpees over a parallette- run outside the garage door to tag a teammate or go again.
06.06.19 Partner wod
2 parts
Part One (this could last for 16+ rounds)
Death by 10meters
min 1: 10m sprint
min 2: 2 x 10m sprints
min 3: 3 x 10m sprints
min 4: 4 x 10m sprints
go until you can't complete your sprints in the 1:00 time
Part Two
with a partner For Time
complete 4 rounds each
1 Rope Climb
8 sandbag cleans 150/100/80 Rogue bags or the 70/50/35 wreck bags
1 Rope Climb
each partner must finish a round before tagging off
Warm Up
Jog 200m
4 x 50m pick ups- build speed
Running drills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKawQ2R3C4I
A skip
B skip
C skip
wall foam rolls x 20 -place roller on the wall- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFgduO-z0Y0
parallette shoulder extensions x 2 sets of 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GLMYwLE47c
hip flexor kicks x 8/side
Cossack squats x 8/side
2 parts
Part One (this could last for 16+ rounds)
Death by 10meters
min 1: 10m sprint
min 2: 2 x 10m sprints
min 3: 3 x 10m sprints
min 4: 4 x 10m sprints
go until you can't complete your sprints in the 1:00 time
Part Two
with a partner For Time
complete 4 rounds each
1 Rope Climb
8 sandbag cleans 150/100/80 Rogue bags or the 70/50/35 wreck bags
1 Rope Climb
each partner must finish a round before tagging off
07.05.18 Strict Work
400m row or run
Single side (left) KB strict press x 4 then carry OH 25'
Single side (right) KB strict press x 4 then carry OH 25'
Then.. with light DB (2.5-8#)
10 reps arms at side- straight arm extensions behind the body
10 reps arms at side- straight arm extensions in front of the body
10 reps lateral raises to the side of the body
Primer: https://www.instagram.com/p/BjU5UwYh9Kp/?taken-by=marcusfilly
10 reps of each for 2 rounds
1️⃣Lateral Band Step Overs- (10 reps each side)
2️⃣Tall Kneeling Banded Hip Thrust
3️⃣Reactive Step Downs (10 reps each side)
4️⃣Prisoner Kang Squat
5️⃣Parallette Push Up with Shoulder Tap (10 taps each side)
Skill: strict gymnastics
strict pull up work
1. lat activation
2. lat activation with a pause before pulling up (like a scap pull up)
3. pull up- lats activate while pulling and shoulders follow a neutral line of action- back and up
4. toe spot pull up- feet on ground or a box and pull yourself up to the bar. Practice the slow negative on the way down.
strict muscle up work 1. Establish the hang in a false grip on the rings. Be able to support your body weight.
2. Pulling- chest to rings or lower- pull with hands as close as you can to the chin or just below. Stay in the hollow position. Squeeze heels together.
3. Pulling lower- chest to rings- sterum- keep rings into body. Shoulders are coming back behind the rings just slightly. Knuckles touching.
4. Toe spot muscle up- low rings use legs and kneel underneath rings. Pull as low as you can- elbows are tight to body- rings (knuckles) are together.
5. Higher rings with feet on a box and knees go below the top of the box (in front of the box). Hang from there and use your feet on the box to assist in the muscle up.
WOD Every 3:00 for 15:00 1 sandbag clean + 3 sandbag front squats (pick a challenging weight) 5 burpee pull ups 10 lateral hops over sandbag