workout of the day
07.15.2023 Partner WOD
"Out of Hand"
with a partner
24 rounds for time
you go, I go
2 sandbang ground to over the shoulder
2 burpee pull ups
2 wall walks
Mobility- 10 reps of each movement
1. Y raise superman lift
2. prone swimmers
3. cat/camels
4. thoracic rotations
5. reverse lunge + reach
"Out of Hand"
with a partner
24 rounds for time
you go, I go
2 sandbang ground to over the shoulder
2 burpee pull ups
2 wall walks
"What do you want from me?"
every 3:00 for 5 sets
21 cal row or bike
12 sandbag ground to over the shoulder or sandbag cleans
Warm Up
3 sets
5 DB windmills/side
20 quadruped shoulder taps
10 alternating underswitch to crab reach
30 seconds table top hold
5:00 EMOM- each minute complete:
20 second feet elevated down dog hold
4-6 push ups
"What do you want from me?"
every 3:00 for 5 sets
21 cal row or bike
12 sandbag ground to over the shoulder or sandbag cleans
Strength: back squats
8 reps @ 55%
6 reps @ 60%
4 reps @ 65%
2 reps @ 70%
10.06.18 Teams of 4
Teams of 4
For Time
Worm squats x 40 reps
Teams will need to lift the worm to the shoulder and squat together. Team will be required to switch shoulders with the worm every 10 reps
Sandbag ground to over the shoulder x 80 reps
Teams will have 2 work, 2 rest. The sandbag starts on the ground each rep and needs to come over the shoulder and to the ground to count.
Synchro power cleans x 80 reps 155/105 135/95 155/75
Teams will have 2 work, 2 rest. Two people will need to synchronize their power clean reps by starting on the ground at the same time and finishing at the receiving position at the same time.
Sandbag burpee box jump overs x 40 reps 24/20" 20/16"
Teams will have 2 work, 2 rest. The sandbag is lifted on top of the box and then pushed over the box. The sandbag must touch the box. No throwing the sandbag over the box. Then each athlete performs a burpee box jump over.
Teams of 4
For Time
Worm squats x 40 reps
Teams will need to lift the worm to the shoulder and squat together. Team will be required to switch shoulders with the worm every 10 reps
Sandbag ground to over the shoulder x 80 reps
Teams will have 2 work, 2 rest. The sandbag starts on the ground each rep and needs to come over the shoulder and to the ground to count.
Synchro power cleans x 80 reps 155/105 135/95 155/75
Teams will have 2 work, 2 rest. Two people will need to synchronize their power clean reps by starting on the ground at the same time and finishing at the receiving position at the same time.
Sandbag burpee box jump overs x 40 reps 24/20" 20/16"
Teams will have 2 work, 2 rest. The sandbag is lifted on top of the box and then pushed over the box. The sandbag must touch the box. No throwing the sandbag over the box. Then each athlete performs a burpee box jump over.