workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Push Pull"
For time
60 single arm DB hang clean & jerk 50/35
40 DB step ups 24/20"
75 feet handstand walk or 150 scooter walk
10 strict pull ups

Extra Christmas Challenge
2:00 KB front rack hold- heavy
2:00 KB front rack wall sit hold- moderate
2:00 KB front rack tall kneeling to standing- light 

Warm Up

200m row
5 scap pull ups
5 scap push ups
4 each side perfect stretch
200m row
5 wall walks
50 feet bear crawl
50 feet crab walk

push press
5 reps @ 60%
3 reps @ 70%
2 reps @ 75%
3 sets of 2 reps @80%

"Push Pull"
For time
60 single arm DB hang clean & jerk 50/35
40 DB step ups 24/20"
75 feet handstand walk or 150 scooter walk
10 strict pull ups

Extra Christmas Challenge
2:00 KB front rack hold- heavy
2:00 KB front rack wall sit hold- moderate
2:00 KB front rack tall kneeling to standing- light 

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Heavy Load"
Every 2:00 for 16:00 (2 rounds)
min 1-2 handstand walk x 50 feet or scooter walk x 100 feet
min 3-4 suitcase carry AHAP x 100 feet each arm
min 5-6 sled rope pulls x 50 feet with 3 plates on small sleds
min 7-8 Turkish get ups x 4 each side 50/35

Warm Up
2 sets
300m row
prone PVC pass thrus x 10 reps
prone PVC press behind the neck x 10 reps
PVC overhead squats x 10 reps
PVC sots press x 10 reps

2 sets
1. DB Cuban press x 5 reps (light)
2. banded face pulls x 20 reps
3. Y-T-W prone x 6 reps each

A. every 2:00 for 6 sets
2 reps hang squat snatch
set 1-2 @ 70%
set 3-4 @ 75%
set 5-6 @ 80%

B. 4:00 EMOM
1 squat snatch @ 80%

"Heavy Load"
Every 2:00 for 16:00 (2 rounds)
min 1-2 handstand walk x 50 feet or scooter walk x 100 feet
min 3-4 suitcase carry AHAP x 100 feet each arm
min 5-6 sled rope pulls x 50 feet with 3 plates on small sleds
min 7-8 Turkish get ups x 4 each side 50/35

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


13:00 AMRAP
4 bar muscle ups or 4 c2b pull ups
25 feet handstand walk or 50 feet scooter walk
12 DB alternating snatch 50/35 35/20 RX+ 70/50

Warm up
2 sets
200m run
▪️8-10 Windmills to each side
▪️20-30 sec Single Arm Overhead DB Carry
▪️8-10 Supine Press Roll to Side

frog pose x 30 seconds
back press ups x 30 seconds
banded good mornings x 30 seconds

Super Set 3 times
A. barbell hip thrusts x 12 reps @65-75% 1RM DL
B. banded pallofs press x 45 seconds each side
C. hollow hold x 20-30 seconds

13:00 AMRAP
4 bar muscle ups or 4 c2b pull ups
25 feet handstand walk or 50 feet scooter walk
12 DB alternating snatch 50/35 35/20 RX+ 70/50

3 sets
A. seated good mornings x 15 reps
B. DB walking lunges x 10 each leg
C. single leg dual DB RDLs x 10 reps each leg

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Award Winning"
5 rounds for time
20 box jumps 24/20"
25 feet handstand walk or 50 feet scooter walk
10 dual DB deadlifts 50/35 35/20

At Home version
5 rounds for time
20 box jumps or stair jumps or 30 jumping jacks
25 feet crab walk + 25 feet bear crawl
10 dual DB deadlifts

Warm up
2 sets
200m cardio
10 PVC pass throughs
5 good exhales in the PVC box stretch
30 seconds each side perfect stretch
30 seconds box jump, step down

bench press
10 reps @ 50%
7 reps @ 60%
5 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 80%
1 rep @ 90%

*at home- single arm alternating DB bench press- hold one DB overhead and then press with the other DB. Alternate that.

between reps of bench, perform 8 each side bird dog rows- heavy DB

"Award Winning"
5 rounds for time
20 box jumps 24/20"
25 feet handstand walk or 50 feet scooter walk
10 dual DB deadlifts 50/35 35/20

At Home version
5 rounds for time
20 box jumps or stair jumps or 30 jumping jacks
25 feet crab walk + 25 feet bear crawl
10 dual DB deadlifts

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


AMRAP x 20min
50ft HS Walk / 50 shoulder taps/ 100 ft. scooter walk
100m Farmers Carry at 53#/35#- white line and back
100ft Straight Arm Sled Push- set this up for out and back. One plate for men, empty sled for women
5 tire flips
60sec Active hang from a pull up bar- in the hollow position

*5ft on HS walk =1 Rep
*10m on Farmers carry and sled push = 1 rep

Warm Up
2 sets

40 single unders
30 second wall sit
20 abmat sit ups
10 glute bridges

deep squat + walk out to plank and back x 8 reps
thoracic rotation with reach through x 6/side- start in a quadruped position, reach right hand through the left side and then rotation open with the left arm- rotate in the thoracic rather then the hips. Then reset and reach with the left arm through the right side and then rotate open to the right.

Skill: 3 sets - 2:00 minutes each (12:00)

Min 0-2: Bulgarian split squats x 8/side with weight in each hand
Min 2-4: Gymnastics skill practice- work 1-1:30 of the 2:00

AMRAP x 20min
50ft HS Walk / 50 shoulder taps/ 100 ft. scooter walk
100m Farmers Carry at 53#/35#- white line and back
100ft Straight Arm Sled Push- set this up for out and back. One plate for men, empty sled for women
5 tire flips
60sec Active hang from a pull up bar- in the hollow position


*5ft on HS walk =1 Rep

*10m on Farmers carry and sled push = 1 rep

Extra Mobility to continue on from our monthly challenge- 10 minutes each day will make a difference!
pigeon pose 1:00 each side
single leg forward fold 2:00 each side
thread the needle 1:00 each side
happy baby pose 2:00

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