workout of the day
"Plain and Simple"
4 rounds each for time
sandbag cleans x 8 reps 150/100/70/50
TTB x 10 reps
Rest 2:00
Try for unbroken sets. These should be sprints with lots of rest to recover.
Warm up
2 sets
1:00 cardio
single arm KB OH carry x 100 feet each side
10 Cossack squats
10 KB halos
10 toes to KB- with the KB on the floor behind your head, lie down with arms and legs extended, hang on to the KB. Raise your toes to the KB and back to the floor.
Super Set x 3
A. Single arm DB bench press x 10 reps each side
B. Seated DB good mornings x 20 reps- use 2 DBs https://youtu.be/x5nnk8hUBo4
C. push ups x 8-10 reps
"Plain and Simple"
4 rounds each for time
sandbag cleans x 8 reps 150/100/70/50
TTB x 10 reps
Rest 2:00
Try for unbroken sets. These should be sprints with lots of rest to recover.
3 sets
A. banded hamstring curls x 30
B. banded glute bridges x 30
use a long orange band for the hamstrings and a mini-band for the glutes