workout of the day
20:00 EMOM
min 1- KB swings x 16
min 2- goblet cyclist squats x 12 @ 21X0
min 3- TTB or leg raises x 16
min 4- alternating pistols or Cossacks x 12
Warm Up
2 sets:60 seconds jumping jacks or lateral hopsinchworms x 5
thoracic rotations x 5/arm
yoga push ups x 5
1 arm KB swing x 10/side
1 arm KB suitcase DL x 10/side
Shoulder Bullet Proofing
2 rounds:
Cuban Press with PVC x 10
Shoulder taps x 10/side
2 rounds:
1 arm high pull x 10/arm
wall facing handstand hold- accumulate 90 seconds
20:00 EMOM
min 1- KB swings x 16
min 2- goblet cyclist squats x 12 @ 21X0
min 3- TTB or leg raises x 16
min 4- alternating pistols or Cossacks x 12
AMRAP x 20min
50ft HS Walk / 50 shoulder taps/ 100 ft. scooter walk
100m Farmers Carry at 53#/35#- white line and back
100ft Straight Arm Sled Push- set this up for out and back. One plate for men, empty sled for women
5 tire flips
60sec Active hang from a pull up bar- in the hollow position
*5ft on HS walk =1 Rep
*10m on Farmers carry and sled push = 1 rep
Warm Up
2 sets
40 single unders
30 second wall sit
20 abmat sit ups
10 glute bridges
deep squat + walk out to plank and back x 8 reps
thoracic rotation with reach through x 6/side- start in a quadruped position, reach right hand through the left side and then rotation open with the left arm- rotate in the thoracic rather then the hips. Then reset and reach with the left arm through the right side and then rotate open to the right.
Skill: 3 sets - 2:00 minutes each (12:00)
Min 0-2: Bulgarian split squats x 8/side with weight in each hand
Min 2-4: Gymnastics skill practice- work 1-1:30 of the 2:00
AMRAP x 20min
50ft HS Walk / 50 shoulder taps/ 100 ft. scooter walk
100m Farmers Carry at 53#/35#- white line and back
100ft Straight Arm Sled Push- set this up for out and back. One plate for men, empty sled for women
5 tire flips
60sec Active hang from a pull up bar- in the hollow position
*5ft on HS walk =1 Rep
*10m on Farmers carry and sled push = 1 rep
Extra Mobility to continue on from our monthly challenge- 10 minutes each day will make a difference!
pigeon pose 1:00 each side
single leg forward fold 2:00 each side
thread the needle 1:00 each side
happy baby pose 2:00
In a 2:00 window complete
9 power cleans 115/85 95/65 65/45
9 front squats 115/85 95/65 65/45
9 push jerks 115/85 95/65 65/45
In the remaining time max reps C2B pull ups/pull ups/ ring rows
Rest 30 seconds
In a 2:00 window complete
7 power cleans 135/95 115/85 75/55
7 front squats
7 push jerks
In the remaining time max reps C2B pull ups/pull ups/ ring rows
Rest 30 seconds
In a 2:00 window complete
5 power cleans 155/105 135/95 95/65
5 front squats
5 push jerks
In the remaining time max reps C2B pull ups/pull ups/ ring rows
Rest 30 seconds
In a 2:00 window complete
3 power cleans 175/125 165/115 115/85
3 front squats
3 push jerks
In the remaining time max reps C2B pull ups/pull ups/ring rows
*Record for score the max reps of your gymnastics movement
Warm Up
2 sets of
Run/Row/Bike 200m
10 goblet curtsy squats
6 half kneeling single arm KB press/arm
Skill: 3 sets of
A. Bulgarian split squats x 10 reps each side- no weight
B. RNT (Reactive Neuromuscular Training) split squat x 6-8 each side
start with no weight and try to build light DB load each hand
**RNT exercises are used to fix knee cave. The use of a band that pulls the body into a bad position, basically feeding the problem, which causes the body to learn how to correct for the problem by turning the lateral glutes on at the right time to keep the knees in line with the foot
C. Single arm OH carry 50'/side
Clean Primer:
4 sets of the complex at 35%of 1RM power clean
1 clean pull
3 tall cleans
1 power clean
1 push jerk
In a 2:00 window complete
9 power cleans 115/85 95/65 65/45
9 front squats 115/85 95/65 65/45
9 push jerks 115/85 95/65 65/45
In the remaining time max reps C2B pull ups/pull ups/ ring rows
Rest 30 seconds
In a 2:00 window complete
7 power cleans 135/95 115/85 75/55
7 front squats
7 push jerks
In the remaining time max reps C2B pull ups/pull ups/ ring rows
Rest 30 seconds
In a 2:00 window complete
5 power cleans 155/105 135/95 95/65
5 front squats
5 push jerks
In the remaining time max reps C2B pull ups/pull ups/ ring rows
Rest 30 seconds
In a 2:00 window complete
3 power cleans 175/125 165/115 115/85
3 front squats
3 push jerks
In the remaining time max reps C2B pull ups/pull ups/ring rows
*Record for score the max reps of your gymnastics movement
Gymnastics Conditioning IF TIME
4 rounds with 30 seconds rest in between rounds
5 cartwheels
10 second hollow hold
20 shoulder taps- 10 each side
Mobility Challenge 9/22-9/29
1:00 each side supine twist
1:00 down dog
3:00 seated straddle
3:00 child's pose
1:00 each side dragon pose
1min= 1 rep
For Time
6 Bar muscle ups or 12 C2B pull ups or 12 pull ups
24 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
75 feet handstand walk or 45 shoulder taps from a box or plank position
24 alternating DB snatch
6 bar muscle ups or 12 C2B pull ups or 12 pull ups
Warm Up:
2:00 cardio choice
2 rounds of:
yoga push ups x 5 - from a plank position, drop into a cobra, push back to a downward dog, then to a plank PVC Cuban presses x 10
half kneeling single arm KB strict press x 6/side
KB goblet squats with a 3 second pause at the bottom x 10
and then …
Bird Dogs x 10 reps
Medicine Ball Hamstring Curls x 10 reps
Reach Thrus x 5 reps
Rotator Cuff using the yellow mini-bands
1. ISO hold 10 seconds x 3
2. presses
3. external rotation
4. pulsing
5. external rotation overhead
Skill: handstand stacking and bar muscle up drills
These drills will fix 3 main issues:
*opening up shoulders/stacking
1. pressing tall to open shoulders and stack spine
2. wall facing stacking in a pike position
3. T-spine stretch over MB with barbell - opening the shoulders
Bar Muscle Up
1. racked bar with band drill
2. spotted bmu from a box on the rig
For Time
6 Bar muscle ups or 12 C2B pull ups or 12 pull ups
24 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
75 feet handstand walk or 45 shoulder taps from a box or plank position
24 alternating DB snatch
6 bar muscle ups or 12 C2B pull ups or 12 pull ups
Warm Up:Two sets of: Row 250 Meters Burpees x 5 reps KB Deadlift x 10 reps then...
Inchworm + Scap Push-Up + Press-Up x 5 reps Ring-Rows x 15 reps
Rear Delt Warm Up--using the yellow stretch cords on the wall ball rack Two sets of: T Raises x 10 reps Y Raises x 10 reps I Raises x 10 reps
Primer: handstand skills
Option A:
EMOM 6:00
min 1- back-to-wall donkey kicks x 10 reps min 2- wall climb x 2 reps min 3- wall slide x 5-7 paces each side- start back to wall and handstand walk to your left and right
Option B: EMOM 6:00 min 1- single leg thigh taps on a box x 10 reps each thigh min 2- shoulder taps x 20 reps- on the ground in a plank, reach up to shoulder- opposite hand to shoulder
WOD 4 RFT 250m Row 2 x 30' suitcase carry 1.5 pood 20 x abmat sit ups 15 x box jumps