workout of the day
shuttle sprints 25 feet x 6
front squats x 7 155/105 105/75 75/55 RX+ 185/135
*no racks, must come from the floor
Warm Up
With a partner- medicine ball drills
Do 10 reps each of the following:
1. Chest passes: Focus on keeping the knees straight while quickly driving the ball away from the chest.
2. Rotational tosses: Focus on flexing at both the hips and knees while keeping the core engaged.
3. Overhead passes: Focus on keeping the core engaged while the ball is overhead and using a contraction in the lats to drive the ball to the other person.
4. Squat + chest pass to partner: Focus on creating a core-to-extremity pattern, similar to a wall ball or thruster.
Mobility: shoulder warm up
Perform 5 reps each side- https://www.instagram.com/p/B58iPFdBw9t/
Focus on not shifting your torso and maintaining the other checkpoints we teach (neutral spine, ribs stacking over hips but not thrusting, neutral neck, core engaged, feet active, knees neutral).
Skill: Turkish Get Ups
4-3-2-1 each side building load and moving slowly through each position
shuttle sprints 25 feet x 6
front squats x 7 155/105 105/75 75/55 RX+ 185/135
*no racks, must come from the floor