workout of the day
"Macho Taco"
5 rounds3:00- work 1:00 rest30 DUs or 60 singles
20 skaters- 10 each side
max reps of the macho man complex
*DBs and a barbell 115/75 85/55
macho man
3 power cleans
3 front squats
3 shoulder to overhead
Warm up
Empty bar or PVC
2 rounds15 pass thrus- stick or PVC only
10 good mornings
10 back squats
10 press behind the neck
10 power cleans
30 seconds jumping with feet together
30 seconds skaters
30 seconds each side ankle stretch
30 seconds squat hold with feet together
Strength super set
3 rounds
side plank powell press x 8/side
seated DB press x 10
single leg RDL x 8/side
"Macho Taco"
5 rounds
3:00- work 1:00 rest
30 DUs or 60 singles
20 skaters- 10 each side
max reps of the macho man complex
*DBs and a barbell 115/75 85/55
macho man
3 power cleans
3 front squats
3 shoulder to overhead