workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Breakfast Club"
single arm Turkish sit up Right 35/25 25/15
single arm DB Z press Right
single arm Turkish sit up Left
single arm DB Z press Left
after each set either 100m run (fence and back) or 30 DUs

Warm Up
Bike or Row for 3:00
quadruped shoulder taps with a 3 second pause x 10/side
wall supported deadbugs x 10/side

Glute Focus
10 banded lateral walks right + 5 banded air squats
10 banded lateral walks left + 5 banded air squats
5/side cha cha
rest 30 seconds
4 sets - no rest between
8 banded glute bridges + 10 abductions at the top of the last bridge

Primer: HIIT
3 rounds
90 seconds to work, 90 seconds of rest
6/5 cals bike or row
20 bench dips
6/5 cals bike or row

3 rounds
6/5 cals bike or row
20 inverted rows- racked barbell on the rig
6/5 cals bike or row

"Breakfast Club"
single arm Turkish sit up Right 35/25 25/15
single arm DB Z press Right
single arm Turkish sit up Left
single arm DB Z press Left
after each set either 100m run (fence and back) or 30 DUs

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