workout of the day
15:00 AMRAP
5 strict pull ups- sub banded pull ups with a fast to slow tempo
5 hang squat snatch 135/95 115/75 96/65
15 wall balls 20/14
Warm Up
2:00 cardio
2 rounds:
10/side banded pallof press
25 feet perfect stretch walk
10 dual DB strict press
10 slow to fast goblet squats with one DB
25 death march with light DBs in each hand
90/90 Y exercise x 10 reps https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Z2qYiAojQ/
Squat Y's x 10 reps 2.5-5# each hand https://www.instagram.com/p/B2jpDNhAcdv/
Wrist stretches x 20 seconds each position
Skill: single arm high pulls
warm up with sets of 5 reps with light to moderate weight
then find your 5 RM high pull for each side
Skill: snatch
4 sets of muscle snatch x 2 reps- light load to work on the speed
6 sets of snatch high pull + snatch
1-3 @ 60% 1 RM snatch
4-6 @ 70% 1 RM snatch
15:00 AMRAP
5 strict pull ups- sub banded pull ups with a fast to slow tempo
5 hang squat snatch 135/95 115/75 96/65
15 wall balls 20/14