workout of the day
3 sets- record times for each set
30 second wall facing handstand hold- sub hold from a box
10 DB box step ups 50/35 35/20
16 single arm suitcase deadlifts- 8 each side 70/53 KB
Rest 2:00
Warm Up
Two sets of:
Assault Bike x 30 seconds
Over/Under Barbell x 5 reps each direction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4eZs-6-q-s&feature=youtu.be
Tuck Jumps x 10 reps
Rest as you walk back to the bike
Dynamic Mobility, Activation
Banded Perfect Stretch x 30 seconds per side https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI6TDSBlO5M&
Banded Lat Stretch x 30 seconds per side
1. Elevated heel squat with an extended plate- hold for 30 seconds and do 3 reps
With your feet grabbing the side of a plate and big toes jammed into the ground, hold another plate in front of your body as you sink into a deep body weight squat (this can be as light as a 25 lb or 10 kg plate held in front). Keep your core braced as you squat as deep as you can with your upper body as upright as possible. Don’t sit your hips back but instead pull your hips and knees forward as far as possible while maintaining a balanced foot position.
Skill: back squat day 55 reps @ 45-50%
5 reps @ 65%
3 reps @ 75%
5 reps @ 65%
3 reps @ 75%
5 reps @ 65%
rest 2 1/2 minutes in between sets
3 sets- record times for each set
30 second wall facing handstand hold- sub hold from a box
10 DB box step ups 50/35 35/20
16 single arm suitcase deadlifts- 8 each side 70/53 KB
Rest 2:00
Warm Up400m run/row/bike 2 easy rounds of:
Banded Monster Walks x 10 reps fwd/bck Banded Lateral Walks x 10 reps each direction Jumping Air Squats x 10 reps then... Shoulder opener circuit: light dumbbells or 2.5# plates 2 easy rounds of:
5 reps bicep curls palms facing up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5HVq5ZGAK0&index=26& 5 curls thumbs up in the neutral grip- shoulders pushed down and lats tight 5 overhead lateral raises- palms up with straight arms 5 overhead lateral raises- thumbs up
6:00 EMOM min 1: reverse dips on box x 10 reps (dip with hands on the front edge of the box either with bent knees or straight legs min 2: incline push-ups on 30" box x 15 reps
min 3: hand plank shoulder taps x 30 reps
Skill: push press warm up 5 reps empty bar, 5 reps @ 40%, 5 reps @ 50%, and 3 reps @ 60% and 3 @ 65%
2 sets of 6 reps @ 70%
WOD 4 Rounds- not timed- athlete picks weight that is moderately heavy 60 DUs or 120 singles 8 each side single arm suitcase deadlifts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSAhSuPEfPU 5 DB strict press 20m dual DB cross carry- one arm locked out overhead, other arm at side farmer carry 45 sec elbow plank