workout of the day
"Maximum Load"
For total weight
Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes (:30 work/:30 rest)
Athletes will complete as many deadlifts as possible
Rest 3 minutes then
Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes (:30 work/:30 rest)
Athletes will complete as many strict press as possible
Total of max reps x weight on barbell = score
Athletes will choose their own weight for each lift
Warm up
2 sets
2:00 cardio choice
10 barbell RDLs
10 barbell Kang squats
5 each side beast to alternating leg through
1. side lying arm circles x3-5 each side
2. banded wall slides x 10 same video
3. slow bird dogs x 10 each side
4. curl ups x 5 each side
"Maximum Load"
For total weight
Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes (:30 work/:30 rest)
Athletes will complete as many deadlifts as possible
Rest 3 minutes then
Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes (:30 work/:30 rest)
Athletes will complete as many strict press as possible
Total of max reps x weight on barbell = score
Athletes will choose their own weight for each lift
Single Leg Focus
2-3 sets depending on time
10 right leg weighted step ups
15 right leg unweighted step ups
10 left leg weighted step ups
15 left leg unweighted step ups
6-8 supermans
rest 90 seconds