workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


18:00 AMRAP
run 400m
20 hammer strikes
10 sandbag ground to shoulder
4 wall walks

Warm Up

Run/Row/bike 400m
2 rounds of:
10 skaters each side- keep upright, don't touch the ground with hand. Push through the glutes and hamstrings
10 two-legged pistols
10 box step downs- touch the toe to the floor and drive up
5 sumo inchworms

Mobility: shoulder flow by Marcus Filly

Skill: single leg step ups with weight
4 sets of 60 seconds max step ups
rest 60 seconds

18:00 AMRAP
run 400m
20 hammer strikes
10 sandbag ground to shoulder
4 wall walks

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