workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest

07.17.19 Partner WOD

"Hang in There"
Partner wod- one works, one hangs per minute- partner A is completing the 5 thrusters and the 5 burpees in the first minute. Partner B needs to stay hanging from the pull up bar the entire time partner A is working.

EMOM 20:00
5 thrusters 115/75 95/65 75/55
5 burpees
while your partner hangs from the bar

Warm Up
2:00 light cardio
5 slow lower squats with a 5 second descend- push knees out + stay tall
20 abmat sit ups
take 30 seconds to a 1:00 for laying front rack stretch (take 3 good inhales and exhales)

1:30 light cardio
15 second hollow hold
5/side banded psoas march with a 5 second hold

Skill: gymnastics conditioning 9:00 EMOM
set one: 6 reps single leg TTB- or single leg knee raise
set two: 6 reps seated good mornings- light load on bar or empty
set three: 8 reps V-ups

Barbell warm up-
5 front squats
5 front squats with a 2 second pause at the pocket position (right before you extend the hips)
5 front squats with a 2 second pause at the pocket + push press
5 thrusters- no pausing

"Hang in There"
Partner wod- one works, one hangs per minute- partner A is completing the 5 thrusters and the 5 burpees in the first minute. Partner B needs to stay hanging from the pull up bar the entire time partner A is working.

EMOM 20:00
5 thrusters 115/75 95/65 75/55
5 burpees
while your partner hangs from the bar

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


power cleans 115/75    95/65
ring rows- option to elevate feet

Warm Up
200m run
10 hang muscle cleans- empty bar

10 dead bugs

200m run
10 hang power cleans - empty bar

10 2- legged pistols  keep knees and feet together as you squat



DB suitcase RNT split squat

Banded Lat stretch x 30 sec each side

Skill: OHS
6 sets of 3 reps starting at 70%- build with solid technique

2 rounds not timed
single leg TTB x 5 reps each leg
ring support hold x 45 sec
side plank x 60 sec each side

Barbell Warm Up- coach led

power cleans 115/75    95/65
ring rows- option to elevate feet

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