workout of the day
02.03.19 Swim WOD
16:00 EMOM
min 1- 50 swim + deck out
min 2- 8 goblet squats + 5 sit ups
min 3- 10 second wall kick + swim to mid pool and back + deck out
min 4- 6 renegade rows - row right, row left, push up
16:00 EMOM
min 1- 50 swim + deck out
min 2- 8 goblet squats + 5 sit ups
min 3- 10 second wall kick + swim to mid pool and back + deck out
min 4- 6 renegade rows - row right, row left, push up
12.08.18 12 Days of CrossFit WOD
12 Days of CrossFit”
1 Squat Snatch (135/95#)(96/65#)
2 Box Jumps (30/24″)
3 Push Presses (135/95#)(95/65#)
4 Toes-to-Bar
5 Hang Power Cleans (135/95#)(95/65#)
6 Hand-Release Push-ups
7 Deadlifts (135/95#)(95/65#)
8 GHD Sit-ups
9 Kettlebell Swings (53/35#)
10 Lunges (10 each side)
11 Wallballs (20/14#)
12 Oz. Beer! Or 12 Cal Assault Bike!
Do 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, then 4-3-2-1….
12 Days of CrossFit”
1 Squat Snatch (135/95#)(96/65#)
2 Box Jumps (30/24″)
3 Push Presses (135/95#)(95/65#)
4 Toes-to-Bar
5 Hang Power Cleans (135/95#)(95/65#)
6 Hand-Release Push-ups
7 Deadlifts (135/95#)(95/65#)
8 GHD Sit-ups
9 Kettlebell Swings (53/35#)
10 Lunges (10 each side)
11 Wallballs (20/14#)
12 Oz. Beer! Or 12 Cal Assault Bike!
Do 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, then 4-3-2-1….