workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest

10.30.18 Night of the Living Dead

Night of the Living Dead

8:00 AMRAP
2 muscle ups or 4 strict dips
2 deadlifts 275/185 185/125
2 lengths sled pull- outside with big sleds 3/2 plates ( inside with small sleds if needed)

*add 2 reps to the deadlifts each round

Halloween Week
Warm Up
3:00 row, bike, run or jump rope

single leg movements
reps each side for each exercise
1. Single leg deadlift + reverse lunge
2. Step up + reverse lunge
3. Lateral + curtsy lunge

Shoulders: 8-10 reps each side

1. draw the arrow- yellow mini-band held out in front of you. Draw back one hand like getting ready to shoot a bow and arrow. Hold back by the ear and then extend back out in front.
2. lateral quadruped crawl with mini-band around the wrists
3.  Hollow banded pulls x 10 reps for 2 sets  Rest :60 between

▪️Set yourself far enough from the band so when you reach back your arms are straight and the band does not have slack.
▪️Hit a hollow position (can scale to tuck version) & pull the band with straight arms down to your hips
▪️do not fall out of your hollow (i.e.: don’t let shoulders drop every time you bring band back behind you). Go to a scaled version if you get tired
▪️Make sure you pull w. straight arms

▪️If you need more resistance - move farther away from band

Take time to warm up to the deadlifts and muscle ups or dips


Night of the Living Dead
8:00 AMRAP
2 muscle ups or 4 strict dips
2 deadlifts 275/185 185/125
2 lengths sled pull- outside with big sleds 3/2 plates ( inside with small sleds if needed)

*add 2 reps to the deadlifts each round

Muscle up drills- in case you have an athlete who wants to do progressions for Muscle Up reps

1. foam roller muscle up transition
2. large ring swings
3. box jump-up to full support

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


Warm Up400 Meter Light Jog into: 2 Rounds: 4 Samson Stretch Lunges (5 second hold in each) 8 Alternating Spiderman and Reach 12 Russian Baby Makers


Two sets of: Dumbbell suitcase RNT split squat x10 reps each side Dumbbell single leg RDL x 8 reps each side Inchworm Walk + Scap Push-Up + Press Up x 5 reps

WOD Every 3:00 for 15:00 complete 2 strict hspu from the box or on the wall 8 box jumps 24/20" 10 DB thrusters 50/35 35/20

If time remains: POST WOD 3 rounds not timed- athlete chooses load on sled (103# sled) Sled drag forward - to the fence Sled pull backwards- from the fence to the start line

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


Warm UpRow or Bike 400m 6 TGU- 3 each side Row or Bike 300m 4 TGU- 2 each side Row or Bike 200m 2 TGU - 1 each side

Mobility: get into a lunge position- kneel tall, don't lunge forward, pull hips under and squeeze the glutes. Hold this stretch for :30 each side, contracting and releasing every :05.

get into a spiderman lunge position- leave back leg off the ground, with the leg out front, take the opposite hand on the knee and drive the knee out while keeping the foot flat on the ground. Contract as hard as you can and then relax. Do this for :30 each side.

banded lat stretch x :30 each side

Snatch Warm Up: 1. Squatting quad snatch- hold the squat position with the bar across the quads. Weight back towards heels. Soft arms. Center of gravity mid-foot. Hold 10 seconds 2. Stand up in overhead position and hold 10 seconds-like the bar is 300# 3. Hold the bottom of the OHS for 10 seconds 4. Power snatch- pause at the catch and ride down in the squat. Hold for 3 seconds int he receiving position. Stand up. 5. Power snatch then OHS no pausing. then...

Skill: snatch 3 sets of Tall snatch x 2 reps- empty bar

Followed by…

3 sets of Snatch Balance x 2 reps- light load

3 sets of High Hang Snatch x 3 reps @ 50%

Followed by…

3 sets of High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch @ 60%

Followed by…

3 sets of Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 70%

3 sets of Snatch High Pull @ 80%

WOD 12:00 EMOM min 1: 3 x complex or 1 deadlift + 1 hang power clean + 1 front squat 135/95 95/65 min 2: sled pulls x :50 with 2 plates on sled min 3: 10 cartwheels

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


Warm UpBike 12/10 cals 5 spiderman lunges + reach Russian baby makers x 10 reps Bear walk x 2 lengths of the gym- hide the ears with the arms and walk in a straddle position on the toes- straight legs and arms if you can. (like handstand walking in a pike) Crab walk 1 length of the gym both forward and backward 10 slow air squats to full depth- ass to the floor

Mobility: partner lat stretch- one person lays face down on the floor with their triceps and elbows flat on the ground and their hands behind the neck. Elbows should be really close to the head. Other person stands over their partner and takes their thumbs and puts them into the crease in the shoulder and rotates hands around the shoulder. Now you can press down on our partner to get a lat/tricep stretch. As you press focus on one side and then the other and then back to the center.

wrist stretches x :30 each position

deep squat progressions x 6-8 reps

Primer: handstand skills 6:00 EMOM Min 1: kick up to the wall- donkey kicks or regular kick up to wall (gracefully) Min 2: Handstand hold- nose and toes to wall Min 3: Handstand negatives- be able to slowly lower yourself into the bottom of the handstand and then kick off the wall. No actual push up.

WOD 4 RFT 30 DUs or 60 singles 4 lengths of the rope- sled pull 3/2 plates 7 deadlifts 185/155 5 HSPU/ box piked hspu

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


Warm Up:3 Sets for Quality:

10 Goblet Squats, slow eccentric

25' Inchworm

25' Walking Lunge

15 Hollow Rocks

Mobility: Banded lat stretch x :30 each side Wrist stretches Tricep smash on racked barbell Banded hip flexor stretch x :30 each side

Primer: squat jumps x 10 reps V-ups with a PVC x 10 reps Air chair swings x 6-8 reps double unders x 25 reps

Skill: 12:00 EMOM min 1: front squat x 3 reps 185/125 or min 2: 15 DUs + 5 TTB

WOD 8:00 AMRAP 2 x sled pull with arms only 2 plates/1 plate- do this in the front part of the gym by the rowers. Line up the 4 sleds by the bikes and have each person pull the sled one length of the rope and then turn it around and pull the sled back to the bikes. That counts as the 2 lengths 3 x burpee wall climb- do a burpee next to the wall and then climb up the wall to comfort level 7 x box jump overs 24/20"

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