workout of the day
"The Yellow Banana Seat"
5 rounds for time
50 DUs or 50 speed steps- counting right leg only
10 each side sledge hammer strikes
50m sled push- one plate- 25m out and back
Sumo Deadlifts
5 reps @ 70%
5 reps @ 75%
5 reps @ 80%
1 set of max reps @ 60%
"The Yellow Banana Seat"
5 rounds for time
50 DUs or 50 speed steps- counting right leg only
10 each side sledge hammer strikes
50m sled push- one plate- 25m out and back
Junkyard 2.0
AMRAP 15:00
sledge hammer strikes x 20 (10 each side)
slam ball hold step ups x 20 (10 each side)
slam ball rotational throws x 10 (5 each side) - pick ball up and throw to the other side of the body
slam ball sit ups x 10- hold ball overhead
slam ball carry and run x 300m
Warm up
8/side spiderman lunges + reach
10 single leg glute bridges/side + 15 second glute bridge hold
5 deep squat progression + walkout to a push up
10 body saw- elbows on ground- rock forward and back in a plank position
3 sets
A1. Front rack with KB/DB drop back lunges @30X0 8-10/side
A2. Strict HSPU negatives x 5 reps- slow descend and then drop off the wall to reset
B1. Goblet Cossack squats @ 30X0 8-10/side
B2. Push up plank hold max effort for time- hold the bottom of the push up position
Junkyard 2.0
AMRAP 15:00
sledge hammer strikes x 20 (10 each side)
slam ball hold step ups x 20 (10 each side)
slam ball rotational throws x 10 (5 each side) - pick ball up and throw to the other side of the body
slam ball sit ups x 10- hold ball overhead
slam ball carry and run x 300m
05.30.2020 Hero WOD Saturday
At Home WOD
"10 for 10"
10:00 AMRAP
can be done with one or two dumbbells or a barbell 95/65 75/55
2 power cleans
2 squat cleans
2 front squats
2 shoulder to overhead
2 bar facing burpees
Hero WOD Saturday
Granite Mile
4 rounds
10 tire flips
100m farmer carry 2 x 25 DBs
10 push ups
100m farmer carry
10 squats
100m farmer carry
20 sledge hammer strikes
100m farmer carry
Background: This hero workout is dedicated to the nineteen City of Prescott (Arizona, USA) firefighters, members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighting team, who tragically lost their lives on June 30, 2013, while fighting the Yarnell Hill Fire, which was ignited by lightning two days prior. It was the deadliest wildfire in Arizona's history.
Warm Up
3 Sets
5 Single Arm Turkish Sit Ups R
1 Turkish Get Up R
50' Single Arm KB Overhead Carry R
5 Single Arm Turkish Sit Ups L
1 Turkish Get Up L
50' Single Arm KB Overhead Carry L
3-5 push ups
rest as needed
At Home WOD
"10 for 10"
10:00 AMRAP
can be done with one or two dumbbells or a barbell 95/65 75/55
2 power cleans
2 squat cleans
2 front squats
2 shoulder to overhead
2 bar facing burpees
Hero WOD Saturday
Granite Mile
4 rounds
10 tire flips
100m farmer carry 2 x 25 DBs
10 push ups
100m farmer carry
10 squats
100m farmer carry
20 sledge hammer strikes-or slam balls
100m farmer carry
Background: This hero workout is dedicated to the nineteen City of Prescott (Arizona, USA) firefighters, members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighting team, who tragically lost their lives on June 30, 2013, while fighting the Yarnell Hill Fire, which was ignited by lightning two days prior. It was the deadliest wildfire in Arizona's history.
The heroes who lost their lives were:
Jesse Steed (36)
Wade Parker (22)
Joe Thurston (32)
William Warneke (25)
John Percin (24)
Clayton Whitted (28)
Scott Norris (28)
Dustin Deford (24)
Sean Misner (26)
Garret Zuppiger (27)
Travis Carter (31)
Grant McKee (21)
Travis Turbyfill (27)
Andrew Ashcraft (29)
Kevin Woyjeck (21)
Anthony Rose (23)
Eric Marsh (43)
Christopher MacKenzie (30)
Robert Caldwell (23).
This workout was first posted by Bunker Up Training @bunkeruptraining on July 2, 2019.