workout of the day
3 rounds for time
50 DB rows or barbell bent over rows * 75/55 or 45/35 (barbell weight)
400m run
50 sit ups
800m run
Warm Up
3 rounds
Down dog shoulder taps x 10/side
Side plank powell press x 10/side- light weight
Curtsy step downs from box x 8/side
Frog pumps x 20 + 20 second isometric hold
pigeon pose x 30 seconds/side
ankle stretch on box x 30 seconds/side
PVC pass thrus x 15 reps
Home Weightlifting
Snatch balance + OHS 4 sets of 3+3
Press in snatch 4 sets of 3 with a slow descend back to the neck
Slow motion squat snatch 4 sets of 3
3 rounds for time
50 DB rows or barbell bent over rows * 75/55 or 45/35 (barbell weight)
400m run
50 sit ups
800m run