workout of the day
500m Row
10 HSPU or sub piked on a box or seated DB strict press
hang squat cleans *
*round 1 80% x 4 reps
*round 2 75% x 6 reps
*round 3 70% x 8 reps
*round 4 60% x 10 reps
Warm Up
2 sets of:
100m run
Single Arm KB Press x 5 reps (right)
Single Arm KB Push Press x 5 reps (right)
Single Arm KB Press x 5 reps (left)
Single Arm KB Push Press x 5 reps (left)
KB Swings x 15 reps
Box stretch for mid-back mobility
With your elbows high on the box and PVC pipe in hand, drop your chest to the ground and attempt to arch your mid back. Hold this position for 10 seconds and try 5 reps in a row.📝
Shoulder stability
1. alternating low box (a plate on the floor) hand walks x 10/side
2. 1-arm depth push up with shoulder tap x 5/side
3. low box (plates on floor) lateral hands walks for speed x 5/direction
4. Ts + angels on a bench x 10 reps
Gymnastics conditioning:
Keep those shoulders strong, core engaged, and gain full body control with simple (yet challenging) warmup sets like this:
•Plank Foot Taps
•then 1 pike up handstand
•return to hollow plank
(rest as needed to be successful at all sets or go unbroken!)
🔑 If the ball starts moving you have too much weight towards your feet - lean more to shoulders and press down thru ground.
Clean Warm Up
5:00 EMOM
Slow Pull Power Clean + Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean
*build load every minute
*slow pull should take :04 to move from the start position to the knees. Work on body position.
500m/ 400m Row
10 HSPU or sub piked on a box or seated DB strict press
hang squat cleans *
*round 1 80% x 4 reps
*round 2 75% x 6 reps
*round 3 70% x 8 reps
*round 4 60% x 10 reps
Part A. Power Clean Quickie
5 power cleans 205/135 155/105 135/95
10 power cleans 185/125 135/95 115/75
15 power cleans 155/105 115/75 95/65
Part B. For Time
hang power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
ring dips- or toe assisted or negatives
Warm Up
3 rounds:
100m run
10 x small playground ball squeeze glute bridge - put the ball between the knees, lift in the bridge position and hold 3-5 seconds
8 x Cossack squats/side - increase ROM as you warm up
2 rounds/ side DB complex: 2 windmills + 1 OHS + 2 press in the squat
T-spine mobility
a. quadruped pull away from the ground- thread the needle x 8/side
b. shoulder blade ROM x 10
c. quadruped lat stretch x 8/side
d. modified pigeon with rotation x 8/side
Banded Lat pull downs x 20 with band on rig
Banded face pulls x 20
Barbell Warm Up
4 x 1 slow pull clean (squat)
1- 60%
2- 65%
3- 70%
4- 75%
Part A. Power Clean Quickie
5 power cleans 205/135 155/105 135/95
10 power cleans 185/125 135/95 115/75
15 power cleans 155/105 115/75 95/65
Part B. For Time
hang power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
ring dips- or toe assisted or negatives