workout of the day
"Fifty Yard Line"
OHS 95/65 75/55
box jump overs 24/20"
directly into
power snatch 95/65 75/55
TTB or bar muscle ups (4-3-2)
Warm Up
Snatch warm up- 2 rounds
PVC pass throughs x 8
PVC muscle snatch x 5
PVC snatch press + drop x 5
PVC snatch balance x 5
PVC snatch press in the receiving position x 5
repeat above with an empty barbell
quick set - 2 sets with 2.5-5# plates or DBs
1. fly + overhead extension x 10 reps
2. bent over extensions x 10 reps with thumbs up
3. bent over extensions x 10 reps with palms down
Tangletown CrossFit (@tangletowncrossfit) • Instagram photos and videos
Strength- snatch day 5 of 8
A. snatch balance 5 sets of 3 reps
start at 50% and build
B. hang snatch at knee + snatch
6 sets of (1+ 1)
set 1 @ 60%
set 2 @ 70%
set 3-4 @ 75%
set 5-6 @ 75-80%
C. snatch lift off + snatch pull
8 sets of (1+1) work up to 90%
"Fifty Yard Line"
OHS 95/65 75/55
box jump overs 24/20"
directly into
power snatch 95/65 75/55
TTB or bar muscle ups (4-3-2)