workout of the day
"Bottom Line"
20:00 E2MOM
0:00-2:00 complete one round of:
2 horizontal pause ring rows (3 sec. pause ring at the chest) or 2 bar muscle ups
4 strict ring dips or 6 box ring dips
8-12 alternating pistols
2:00-4:00 complete one complex- building load each round
1 x snatch grip deadlift
2 x hang snatch high pull
3 x power snatch
start at 60%
Warm Up
Turkish Get Up Complex
1-2-3- reps per side
run 100m between sets or 100 single jump ropes
1 single arm Turkish sit up
1 single arm KB Z press at the top of the sit up
1 Turkish get up from the top of the Z press
1. prayer stretch on the floor - this looks exactly like the child's pose. I want you to keep your hands together while doing this stretch. Hold for 5 deep breaths
2. open book stretch- this will work on rotational capability. lay on your side with top leg over the foam roller. Hands extended out together. Open the top arm and hold for 10 seconds.
3. ankle pulses- drive you knee over the toes to stretch the ankle x 30 seconds/side
4. deep squat progressions- at the bottom of your squat, hands on your feet, rotate open to the left, then to the right, then both arms extend overhead. x 5 reps
Burgener Warm up
Perform 3 reps of each
✅Down and Finish (speed thru the middle)
✅Elbows High & Outside (keep bar close)
✅Muscle Snatch (strong turnover)
✅Snatch Lands 2,4,6 (Footwork)
✅Snatch Drops (Footwork)
"Bottom Line"
20:00 E2MOM
0:00-2:00 complete one round of:
2 horizontal pause ring rows (3 sec. pause ring at the chest) or 2 bar muscle ups
4 strict ring dips or 6 box ring dips
8-12 alternating pistols
2:00-4:00 complete one complex- building load each round
1 x snatch grip deadlift
2 x hang snatch high pull
3 x power snatch
start at 60%