workout of the day
"Deadliest Catch"
13:00 AMRAP
20 DB deadlifts 50/35 35/20
15 DB hang power cleans
10 DB thrusters
20 crossovers or 20 DUs or 20 speed steps
Snatch Warm up
3 reps empty barbell or PVC
1. slow OHS
2. sots press to stand
3. behind the neck press to squat
4. extension to pull under
5. power snatch from the pockets
A. 3 sets of snatch press in the receiving position x 3 reps
B. 2 sets of hang power snatch + hang snatch @ 55-65%
C. 10:00 EMOM 1 snatch- build load
"Deadliest Catch"
13:00 AMRAP
20 DB deadlifts 50/35 35/20
15 DB hang power cleans
10 DB thrusters
20 crossovers or 20 DUs or 20 speed steps
"Peas and Carrots"
11:00 AMRAP
30 DUs
3 wall walks
12 bench dips
8 sumo deadlift high pull 95/65 75/55
Hot Start
3 rounds
2 each side TGU
15 banded pull aparts
7 each side bird dog rows
7 push ups- with good form
Barbell warm up
2-3 sets
3 muscle snatch
3 hang muscle snatch below the knee
Strength: snatch
6 sets
A1. 2 snatch press in the receiving position + 2 snatch drops- keep light loads for technique, positioning and speed under the barbell
6 sets
B1. 2 snatch lift offs + 1 hang squat snatch start with 60-65% your 1 RM and build
"Peas and Carrots"
11:00 AMRAP
30 DUs
3 wall walks
12 bench dips
8 sumo deadlift high pull 95/65 75/55
"Mount Rainer"
For Time
1 round
20 bar facing burpees
15 power snatch 115/75 95/65
2 rounds
10 bar facing burpees
10 power snatch 115/75 95/65
3 rounds
5 bar facing burpees
5 power snatch 115/75 95/65
Warm Up
3 sets
30 seconds high knee jumping
30 seconds skaters
5 yoga push ups
5/side plank rotations
5/side drop lunge to knee lift
prone floor angels x 15 reps
prone Y, T, W, Is for 10 reps each - thumbs point up
squat Y's with 2.5# plates in each hand
deep squat progressions x 8 reps
snatch press in the receiving position
3 x 3 reps start at empty bar and add load with good form
snatch balance
3 x 3 reps
45%, 50%, 55%
"Mount Rainer"
For Time
1 round
20 bar facing burpees
15 power snatch 115/75 95/65
2 rounds
10 bar facing burpees
10 power snatch 115/75 95/65
3 rounds
5 bar facing burpees
5 power snatch 115/75 95/65
2 rope climbs
15 burpees
Post WOD- core burner
4 sets
20 second hollow rocks
20 second hollow hold
20 flutter kicks
rest 30 seconds
Warm Up
2 rounds:
1:00 row or bike
30 second PVC pass throughs
20 seconds side plank each side
10 PVC OH squats
5 PVC elbow turnover drill https://www.instagram.com/p/B5yBaI7lEnE/ (last video)
deep squat progressions x 6
ankle pulse x 30 seconds each side - in a lunge position with a weight on the knee, driving knee over toes
seated banded pull aparts x 15 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6hBLmql7ql/
banded upright row x 15 (same video as above)
Skill: snatch
primer for snatches:
1. snatch press from receiving position x 5 reps for 3 sets
2. muscle snatch from the power position- for positional warm up, not heavy x 2 reps for 3 sets
every 2:00 for 4 sets
1 high hang squat snatch
1 hang squat snatch
1 squat snatch
work at 60-70% 1RM
2 rope climbs
15 burpees
Post WOD- core burner
4 sets
20 second hollow rocks
20 second hollow hold
20 flutter kicks
rest 30 seconds
January Monthly Challenge
Day 7- 14 walking lunges each side
11.22.19 Lifting Day
Every 90 Seconds, for 3 sets (4:30)
snatch press from receiving position x 5 reps
light load - build if good form
Every 1:00 for 6 sets
snatch pull to hold x 2 reps @ 30-45% 1 RM snatch
Every 90 seconds, for 3 sets (4:30)
snatch lift off + snatch @60%,65%,70%
perform the snatch lift off with a 2 second pause, then lower the bar to the ground, pause for 1 second, then perform a snatch.
4:00 EMOM
Snatch x 1 rep @70% and build
General warm up
2 sets of:
30 seconds PVC pass thrus
30 seconds deep squat progressions
30 seconds lateral banded walks- right
30 seconds lateral banded walks- left
30 seconds PVC press into OHS
30 seconds ring rows
Lifting Day- Snatch
Snatch warm up with PVC
*The warm-up you will do every day for the rest of your life*
✅Down and Finish (speed thru the middle)
✅Elbows High & Outside (keep bar close)
✅Muscle Snatch (strong turnover)
✅Snatch Lands 2,4,6 (Footwork)
✅Snatch Drops (Footwork)https://www.instagram.com/p/B42avY2J2uf/
Mobility: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GULVw-XGRDE&mc_cid=49db463c7c&mc_eid=844dc273a9
Single arm hang for 40 seconds each side- tuck the pelvis under
Snatch barbell warm up
3 reps of each with empty barbell
snatch grip RDL
snatch high pull
muscle snatch
behind the neck press
snatch balance
hang power snatch
snatch below the knee
Snatch Progressions
Every 90 Seconds, for 3 sets (4:30)
snatch press from receiving position x 5 reps
light load - build if good form
Every 1:00 for 6 sets
snatch pull to hold x 2 reps @ 30-45% 1 RM snatch
Every 90 seconds, for 3 sets (4:30)
snatch lift off + snatch @60%,65%,70%
perform the snatch lift off with a 2 second pause, then lower the bar to the ground, pause for 1 second, then perform a snatch.
4:00 EMOM
Snatch x 1 rep @70% and build
November Rowing Challenge
Workout 7
EMOM x 20:00
30 second row for cals/ 30 sec rest
Workout 8
4 sets for consistency
2:00 max cals
2:00 rest
Workout 9
EMOM until failure
16/13 cals row
RX+ 20/16
Scaled 14/11 or 12/9
For Time
200m Row
40 deadlifts 185/125 155/105
200m Row
30 power cleans 135/95 115/75
200m Row
20 power snatch 95/65 75/55
200m Row
10 bar muscle ups or 14 C2B pull ups or pull ups
Warm Up
3 rounds
50 single unders
2 TGUs each side
10 total over/unders on a racked PVC or a band across the J hooks
10 each side landmine twist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL700kC_DMI
A. Squat Y's x 8 each side with no more than 5# plates
**Big key with this one....don't rotate your back as your arms lift up. Keep all the work on the shoulders.
B. T-spine straight arm stretch x 5-8 reps
C. Bent arm touch to the upper back x 10 reps
Skill: snatch
snatch press in the receiving position
3 sets of 3 reps @ light load
snatch balance
3 sets of 2 reps @ 55-70%
5:00 EMOM
1 snatch pull + 1 snatch @ 70%- practice technique more than heavier load
For Time
200m Row
40 deadlifts 185/125 155/105
200m Row
30 power cleans 135/95 115/75
200m Row
20 power snatch 95/65 75/55
200m Row
10 bar muscle ups or 14 C2B pull ups or pull ups
November Rowing Challenge- 3 rowing workouts will be posted each week. Give them a try. Work on your cardio and your rowing technique.
Workout One: 5 sets of 1:00 max cals 1:00 Rest
Workout Two: 8 sets of 20 sec. row sprint for cals. 2:00 walk rest
Workout Three:
4:00 at 18-22 sPM damper 8/7
Rest 1:00
3:00 at 22-25 sPM damper 7/6
Rest 1:00
2:00 at 25-28 at sPM damper 7/6
Rest 1:00
1:00 at 28-32 sPM damper 8/7