workout of the day
For Time
200m row
10 hang power snatch 135/95
400m row
15 hang power snatch 115/85
600m row
20 hang power snatch 95/65
A. 5 sets of hang snatch x 2 reps @ 70-75%
B. 3 sets of 2 reps snatch pull with 2 second pause at the knee @ 85%
C. 3 sets of 1 rep snatch pull @ 90+%
For Time
200m row
10 hang power snatch 135/95
400m row
15 hang power snatch 115/85
600m row
20 hang power snatch 95/65
"No Air"
4 Rounds for Time
10 HSPU or box pike HSPU
15 front squats 115/75 95/65
Warm Up
2 sets
banded squares- walk around 4 times with mini-band around the ankles
single leg RDLs x 8/side at 31X1
deep squat hold x 30 seconds
quick set - 2 sets with 2.5-5# plates or DBs
1. fly + overhead extension x 10 reps
2. bent over extensions x 10 reps with thumbs up
3. bent over extensions x 10 reps with palms down
Tangletown CrossFit (@tangletowncrossfit) • Instagram photos and videos
Strength- snatch day 6 of 8
A. snatch balance + overhead squat
2 reps of each movement for 5 sets
start at 50% and build to your heavy set of 2
B. hang snatch at the knee + snatch
5 sets of (1 + 2) start at 60% and build to a heavy complex
C. snatch lift off + snatch pull
8 sets of (1 + 2) start at 70% and build to 100%
"No Air"
4 Rounds for Time
10 HSPU or box pike HSPU
15 front squats 115/75 95/65
"Fifty Yard Line"
OHS 95/65 75/55
box jump overs 24/20"
directly into
power snatch 95/65 75/55
TTB or bar muscle ups (4-3-2)
Warm Up
Snatch warm up- 2 rounds
PVC pass throughs x 8
PVC muscle snatch x 5
PVC snatch press + drop x 5
PVC snatch balance x 5
PVC snatch press in the receiving position x 5
repeat above with an empty barbell
quick set - 2 sets with 2.5-5# plates or DBs
1. fly + overhead extension x 10 reps
2. bent over extensions x 10 reps with thumbs up
3. bent over extensions x 10 reps with palms down
Tangletown CrossFit (@tangletowncrossfit) • Instagram photos and videos
Strength- snatch day 5 of 8
A. snatch balance 5 sets of 3 reps
start at 50% and build
B. hang snatch at knee + snatch
6 sets of (1+ 1)
set 1 @ 60%
set 2 @ 70%
set 3-4 @ 75%
set 5-6 @ 75-80%
C. snatch lift off + snatch pull
8 sets of (1+1) work up to 90%
"Fifty Yard Line"
OHS 95/65 75/55
box jump overs 24/20"
directly into
power snatch 95/65 75/55
TTB or bar muscle ups (4-3-2)
WOD- each round = 8:00
"Water Wings"
Row 1:00 moderate + 30 seconds fast
rest 1:00
Row 1:00 moderate + 45 seconds fast
rest 1:00
Row 1:00 moderate + 60 seconds fast
rest 45 seconds
*record total meters rowed*
Warm Up
10 wall slide lift offs
5 deep squat progressions
5/side prisoner windmills
2 sets
12/10 cals row
6/side KB OHS
10 straight leg jumps to a plate (or two plates) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ_UC-kAMnb/
Snatch warm up- 2 rounds
PVC pass throughs x 8
PVC muscle snatch x 5
PVC snatch press + drop x 5
PVC snatch balance x 5
PVC snatch press in the receiving position x 5
repeat above with an empty barbell
Strength- snatch day 4 of 8
A. 3 position snatch
1 high hang snatch + 1 hang snatch + 1 snatch
5 sets of 1,1,1
start at 60-65% and build to 80%
B. snatch grip deadlift + snatch pull
10 sets of 1 rep
build past the 80% with proper positions and good bar speed
WOD- each round = 8:00
"Water Wings"
Row 1:00 moderate + 30 seconds fast
rest 1:00
Row 1:00 moderate + 45 seconds fast
rest 1:00
Row 1:00 moderate + 60 seconds fast
rest 45 seconds
*record total meters rowed*
Push Pull Carry - 10 Rounds For Time
5 Tall Kneeling DB Press
5 DB Bent Over Row
5 DB Power Clean to Push Press
20m DB Mixed Rack Overhead Carry/arm
*purposely choose moderate to lighter dumbbells for this
with barbell
"Yes please"
power snatch
power clean & jerk
165/115 125/85 75/55
Warm Up
EMOM x 10 mins
min 1: 15 jumping jacks + single arm plank x 15 seconds right side
min 2: 5/side under switch crab reach + single arm plank x 15 seconds left side
PVC snatch work
OHS 3 sets of 5 reps
Press in snatch 2 x 10 reps
Tall muscle snatch 2 x 10 reps
Tall snatch 4 x 3 reps
Barbell Snatch work
6 sets of snatch pull + hang snatch + snatch
build load to no more than 70%- focus on mechanics, not load
Push Pull Carry - 10 Rounds For Time
5 Tall Kneeling DB Press
5 DB Bent Over Row
5 DB Power Clean to Push Press
20m DB Mixed Rack Overhead Carry/arm
*purposely choose moderate to lighter dumbbells for this
with barbell
"Yes please"
power snatch
power clean & jerk
165/115 125/85 75/55
cool down
child's pose with lat stretch x 2:00/side
forward fold x 2:00
frog stretch x 2:00
"Mr. Perfect"
10-8-6-4-2 HSPU
2-4-6-8-10 power cleans 155/105 135/95 115/75
Warm Up
3 rounds
lateral banded step overs x 20- use a plate on the floor
paused squat press outs x 8 - 10-15# plate with a 2-3 second at the bottom of the squat- press plate out
sumo inchworms x 5
A. single arm KB press + windmill
B. prone PVC press
C. squat + Cuban press with small plates
D. side plank + external rotation with small plat
Snatch check list
part one (9:00)
every 90 seconds for 6 sets- work through this complex with light load for technique
snatch lift off + hang squat snatch + squat snatch
part two (10:00)
snatch pull + squat snatch
start with light load and only build with good form
"Mr. Perfect"
10-8-6-4-2 HSPU
2-4-6-8-10 power cleans 155/105 135/95 115/75
"Slam Dunk"
Hang Power Snatch 95/65 75/55 RX+ 115/85
*After every set perform 10 Slam Balls
Warm Up
2 sets
Turkish Get Up x 2-3 reps per side
Single leg DL x 8 each side
Goblet squats x 10- slow to fast
Mobility https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDvytgEQI74
1. Down dog to plank x 5
2. Down dog single leg reach (scorpion) x 5 each/side
3. Down dog toe tap x 5 each/side
4. Half kneeling push forward + sidebend + rotate x 3 per side
5. Half kneeling halo x 3 per side
Burgener Warm up
Perform 3 reps of each
✅Down and Finish (speed thru the middle)
✅Elbows High & Outside (keep bar close)
✅Muscle Snatch (strong turnover)
✅Snatch Lands 2,4,6 (Footwork)
✅Snatch Drops (Footwork)
how to stop swinging- snatch and clean pulls
3:00 EMOM sotts press x 3 reps- build over the sets
4:00 EMOM snatch balance x 2 reps build load 50%, 55%, 60%, 60%
8:00 EMOM 1 rep snatch pull + 1 rep squat snatch - build from 60%WOD"Slam Dunk"AMRAP x 10 MINUTES*
Hang Power Snatch 95/65 75/55 RX+ 115/85
*After every set perform 10 Slam Balls