workout of the day
"Randy with Abs"
1:00 complete 15 TTB or scale to hanging knee raises then max reps power snatch 75/55 45/35
1:00 rest
this continues until you reach 75 reps snatch
8:00 EMOM
min 1- 20 American KB swings
min 2- 50 feet sandbag carry
each weight you choose should allow you to be challenged but go unbroken
"Randy with Abs"
1:00 complete 15 TTB or scale to hanging knee raises then max reps power snatch 75/55 45/35
1:00 rest
this continues until you reach 75 reps snatch
"20th Century"
every 5:00 for 3 sets
7 snatch (power or squat) 115/75
5 snatch 135/95
3 snatch 155/105
1 snatch 165/115
12:00 AMRAP
5 goblet Cossack squats right side
10 tall kneeling windmill right side https://youtu.be/wUDvYP0U9Yg
30 second extended plank hold
5 goblet Cossack squats left side
10 tall kneeling windmill left side
30 second hamstring plank https://youtu.be/3at9ULJrx1U
Warm Up
Hot Start
8:00 EMOM
each minute complete 5 barbell push press + 5/side DB gorilla rows- make the DB weight heavier.
Strength: Quads and Glutes- at Home
3 sets
1. leg behind goblet squat x 5 each side
2. single arm KB rack squat- slow down and no pauses at the bottom or top of squat x 10
3. goblet kick stand pistol squat x 5 each side
4. KB curtsy squat x 5 each side
5. horn grip narrow stance or feet together squats x 10
Strength: back squats
5 sets
Start at your 50%
Using an empty barbell
3 Rounds
5 Snatch Grip Deadlift
5 Hang Muscle Snatch
5 Power Snatch
"20th Century"
every 5:00 for 3 sets
7 snatch (power or squat) 115/75
5 snatch 135/95
3 snatch 155/105
1 snatch 165/115
“20th Century” at home
12:00 AMRAP
5 goblet Cossack squats right side
10 tall kneeling windmill right side https://youtu.be/wUDvYP0U9Yg
30 second extended plank hold
5 goblet Cossack squats left side
10 tall kneeling windmill left side
30 second hamstring plank https://youtu.be/3at9ULJrx1U
"Pretty Woman"
12:00 running clock
60 lateral hops over barbell
20 TTB
10 snatches- either power or squat 115/85
60 lateral hops over bar
20 TTB
10 snatches 135/95
60 lateral hops over bar
20 TTB
AMRAP snatches 155/105
Pretty Woman- at home
60 lateral hops over DB
20 leg raises- hands underneath your hips
10 DB single arm snatches
60 lateral hops
20 leg raises
16 DB single arm snatches
60 lateral hops
20 leg raises
AMRAP DB snatches
Warm up
60 seconds jumping jack
5/side perfect stretch
60 seconds hops in place
10/side deadbugs
30 seconds high knees
10/side shoulder taps
30 seconds side plank right
30 seconds side plank left
3 sets
A. hip thrusts x 15 reps
B. touchdown squats x 10 reps/side or perform pistol squats
C. hollow rocks with PVC in hands x 10-15 reps
**add load to the hip thrusts and height to the touchdown squats
"Pretty Woman"
12:00 running clock
60 lateral hops over barbell
20 TTB
10 snatches- either power or squat 115/85
60 lateral hops over bar
20 TTB
10 snatches 135/95
60 lateral hops over bar
20 TTB
AMRAP snatches 155/105
Pretty Woman- at home
60 lateral hops over DB
20 leg raises- hands underneath your hips
10 DB single arm snatches
60 lateral hops
20 leg raises
16 DB single arm snatches
60 lateral hops
20 leg raises
AMRAP DB snatches
Belly Burner: Gymnastics Style
3 rounds of 20 reps each:
▪️Alternating heel raises (did 20 per leg)
▪️Upper Half Hollow Lifts
▪️Lower Half Hollow Lifts (touch heels to floor for each rep)
▪️Hollow Rocks
10.31.2020 Happy Halloween
"Halloween Michael Myers"
For Time
3 possible rounds
13:00 time cap per round
400m run away (he's coming to get you)
10 deadlifts (your car won't start) 185/135 155/105 115/75
31 sit ups (get up! get up! He's coming)
400m run away (he's catching up to you)
3 muscle ups (quick, jump over the fence and hide)- 5 strict pull ups
6 snatches (he's trying to grab you) 135/95 115/75 95/65
3 muscle ups (jump the fence and run away)- 5 strict pull ups
Did you survive? (did you make the 13:00 cap, if not scale the next round by reps and/or load)
sub running with rowing 500m or biking 30/21 cals
warm up
row or bike 10 cals
plank shoulder taps x 30 seconds
row or bike 10 cals
banded air squats x 30 seconds
row or bike 10 cals
skaters with a 2 second pause on the landing x 10/side
10 PVC RDL + pass throughs
10 PVC platter squats
10 PVC snatch press in the receiving position
repeat the above exercises with 5 reps each
"Halloween Michael Myers"
For Time
3 possible rounds
13:00 time cap per round
400m run away (he's coming to get you)
10 deadlifts (your car won't start) 185/135 155/105 115/75
31 sit ups (get up! get up! He's coming)
400m run away (he's catching up to you)
3 muscle ups (quick, jump over the fence and hide)- 5 strict pull ups
6 snatches (he's trying to grab you) 135/95 115/75 95/65
3 muscle ups (jump the fence and run away)- 5 strict pull ups
Did you survive? (did you make the 13:00 cap, if not scale the next round by reps and/or load)
sub running with rowing 500m or biking 30/21 cals
Warm UpRow or Bike 400m 6 TGU- 3 each side Row or Bike 300m 4 TGU- 2 each side Row or Bike 200m 2 TGU - 1 each side
Mobility: get into a lunge position- kneel tall, don't lunge forward, pull hips under and squeeze the glutes. Hold this stretch for :30 each side, contracting and releasing every :05.
get into a spiderman lunge position- leave back leg off the ground, with the leg out front, take the opposite hand on the knee and drive the knee out while keeping the foot flat on the ground. Contract as hard as you can and then relax. Do this for :30 each side.
banded lat stretch x :30 each side
Snatch Warm Up: 1. Squatting quad snatch- hold the squat position with the bar across the quads. Weight back towards heels. Soft arms. Center of gravity mid-foot. Hold 10 seconds 2. Stand up in overhead position and hold 10 seconds-like the bar is 300# 3. Hold the bottom of the OHS for 10 seconds 4. Power snatch- pause at the catch and ride down in the squat. Hold for 3 seconds int he receiving position. Stand up. 5. Power snatch then OHS no pausing. then...
Skill: snatch 3 sets of Tall snatch x 2 reps- empty bar
Followed by…
3 sets of Snatch Balance x 2 reps- light load
3 sets of High Hang Snatch x 3 reps @ 50%
Followed by…
3 sets of High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch @ 60%
Followed by…
3 sets of Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 70%
3 sets of Snatch High Pull @ 80%
WOD 12:00 EMOM min 1: 3 x complex or 1 deadlift + 1 hang power clean + 1 front squat 135/95 95/65 min 2: sled pulls x :50 with 2 plates on sled min 3: 10 cartwheels