workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Something New"
8 round for time
1:00 AMRAP  1:00 Rest
150' shuttle run
8 DB alternating snatches  50/35  35/20
max reps speed steps- count only the right foot and record each round

Technique Time
Speed Steps 
practice a few set of this and then do a 1:00 speed step test. 
Counting right foot only!
Average: 50-70
Above average: 70-80
Athletic:  80-100
Competitive:  100+

Speed is a movement!  This is an ideal modification for double unders and will increase endurance.

"Something New"
8 round for time
1:00 AMRAP  1:00 Rest
150' shuttle run
8 DB alternating snatches  50/35  35/20
max reps speed steps- count only the right foot and record each round
Core finisher
2-3 sets
KB lift overs x 10 each side
tall plank KB pull through x 10 each side
KB hollow hold x 20 seconds

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