workout of the day
WOD"Big Stick"10 rounds
*rest 30 seconds after rounds 2,4,6,and 8
2 x burpee box jump overs
4 x hspu or regular push ups
6 x squat jumps
100m run- sub 45 seconds step ups
Warm up
3 Sets
5 Dumbbell Deadlifts
5 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean
5 Dumbbell Strict Press
10 Yoga Push Ups
50 Jump Rope Single Unders
rest as needed between sets
Strength Set
3 sets
Rear foot elevated split squats with weight on back x 8-10/leg @ 2110
Chainsaw row x 8-10/arm @ 20X0
Cyclist squats x 8-10 reps @ 31X0
WOD"Big Stick"10 rounds
*rest 30 seconds after rounds 2,4,6,and 8
2 x burpee box jump overs
4 x hspu or regular push ups
6 x squat jumps
100m run- sub 45 seconds step ups