workout of the day
"Cardio is my Friend"
5 rounds for time
every 4:00 starting at 0:00 complete 6 burpee box jump overs 24/20"
400m row
25/18 cals bike
“SQUATIMUS PRIME”- use as warm up
3 Rounds for Quality
20 Banded Monster Walks
20 Side Tib Raises
10 Heels Elevated Prisoner Squats
5 Tempo Back Squats: 55x1
(light to mod. load)*
*tempo should be a 5 second eccentric descent, 5 second bottom of the squat hold, fast ascent, and a 1 second hold at the top.
"Cardio is my Friend"
5 rounds for time
every 4:00 starting at 0:00 complete 6 burpee box jump overs 24/20"
400m row
25/18 cals bike