workout of the day
On the 4:00 x 4 rounds
standing sled rope pull x 30' (this is equal to pulling the rope three times)- add 3 plates to sled
wall balls x 15 reps 20/14
jump overs x 10- use a parallette or a bench
Time remaining inside each window after task completion is rest. Record all rounds.
Warm Up
2 rounds of:
10/8 cal row or bike
10 single leg RDL with light weight
10 half kneeling KB single arm press
10 stagger stance good mornings with empty barbell
Part One: shoulders and rotator cuff https://www.instagram.com/p/BtogGGPnJbN/
(just work on the banded part of these- skip the ring work)
1. Isometric ER with yelllow mini-band x 3 sets of 10 sec hold
2. Mini-band press x 10 reps
3. Mini-band ER x 10 reps
4. Pulsing ER with OH reach x 10 reps
5. Overhead ER x 10 reps
Part Two: Low back stretches https://www.instagram.com/p/Bj8VXjtn-7d/
Do 10 reps of each stretch
1- Rock backs
2- Quadruped lifts
3- Down dog rockers
4- Dead bugs
5- Cat Camel
and then warm up to your 55% deadlift weight
Skill: 10:00 EMOM
min 1: 4 reps touch and go deadlifts 55%-60%-65%-70%-75%
min 2: 10-15 reps hollow hold banded pull to hips or banded tricep pull downs
On the 4:00 x 4 rounds
standing sled rope pull x 30' (this is equal to pulling the rope three times)- add 3 plates to sled
wall balls x 15 reps 20/14
jump overs x 10- use a parallette or a bench
Time remaining inside each window after task completion is rest. Record all rounds.
WOD- you should have some rest each minute so work hard and fast at each station
15:00 EMOM
min 1- 5 hang power cleans @ 75%
min 2- 10 front squats at the same weight as the power cleans
min 3- standing sled rope pulls x 45 seconds - add 3 plates to the mini sleds
Warm Up
2 rounds
10/8 cals bike or row
10 single leg RDLs (5/each)
10 steps death march https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o_lal2jpQc
10 lateral box step ups (5/each)
Mobility https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs63CMsAfNe/
T-spine foam roll x 1:00
T-spine extensions x 3-4 extensions on three different spots
T-spine overhead mobilizations x 10 reps
Heel sit thoracic rotations x 10 reps/side
Deep squat progressions x 10 reps with single arm raises only, no standing in between each one
Barbell warm up- empty bar
5 good mornings
5 back squats
5 elbow rotations
5 stiff-legged deadlifts
5 front squats
5 strict press
Skill: cleans
6 sets of clean lift off + power clean + power jerk
set 1-2 @ 60%
set 3-4 @ 65%
set 5-6 @ 70%
WOD- you should have some rest each minute so work hard and fast at each station
15:00 EMOM
min 1- 5 hang power cleans @ 75%
min 2- 10 front squats at the same weight as the power cleans
min 3- standing sled rope pulls x 45 seconds - add 3 plates to the mini sleds