workout of the day
"Take Me Home"
14:00 AMRAP
suitcase DB walking lunges right side x 10/side 50/35 35/20
C2B pull ups x 8 reps -sub pull ups or ring rows
suitcase DB walking lunges left side x 10/side 50/35 35/20
deadlift x 8 185/125 135/95 115/75
Hot Start
2 sets
200m run
20 seconds bear crawl
20 seconds down dog
20 second crab walk
200m run
20 seconds wall facing handstand hold
5 single arm Turkish sit ups + 5 single arm Z press right
5 single arm Turkish sit ups + 5 single arm Z press left
light KB- 26/15
kneeling abductor mobilization x 10 reps each side https://youtu.be/psPR1qJd_nA
Jefferson curls x 10
KB arm bar stretch x 30 seconds each side https://youtu.be/IAByZREjXp8
Skill work: pull ups
warm up: 15 per side banded lat rows
A. toe assist pull ups 5 sets: 2,2,2,2,2
B. chin over bar hold x 30 seconds- scale to using a toe assist at the top of the chin up
things to think about:
1. pull into active hang
2. hands outside of shoulders
3. pull down as low as possible
4. maintain hollow body at top of hold
"Take Me Home"
14:00 AMRAP
suitcase DB walking lunges right side x 10/side 50/35 35/20
C2B pull ups x 8 reps -sub pull ups or ring rows
suitcase DB walking lunges left side x 10/side 50/35 35/20
deadlift x 8 185/125 135/95 115/75