workout of the day
"Just Sitting Around"
hollow rocks
wall sit x 2 (8 reps= 16 second wall sit)
200m row sprint
Rest 1:00
Warm Up
3 sets
20 bodyweight hip thrusts
15 second single leg hip thrust isometric hold/ side
20 banded lateral walks/side
Body Composition
A1. snatch grip Romanian deadlift: 3110; 8-10 reps
A2. suitcase long step walking lunges: 30X0; 14-16 steps
B1. barbell hip thrusts: 20X2; 8-10 reps
B2. goblet 1 1/4 squat: 2111; 8-10 reps
"Just Sitting Around"
hollow rocks
wall sit x 2 (8 reps= 16 second wall sit)
200m row sprint
Rest 1:00
5:00 AMRAP
single arm DB hang clean & jerk
20 DUs in between each set
Rest 2:00
5:00 AMRAP
single arm DB squat clean- DB on the right for 1 rep, then on the left for 1 rep
10 jumping lunges between each set
Warm Up
3 sets
10 single leg hip thrusts + 10 second isometric hold at the top Right side
10 single leg hip thrusts + 10 second isometric hold at the top Left side
15 second superman hold
15 second star plank R
15 second star plank L
rest and repeat
3 sets
A1. landmine deficit RDL x 6/side @3010
A2. single arm DB Arnold press x 8-10/side @2110
B1. landmine twist x 6-8/side
B2. suitcase long step walking lunges x 7-8/side @30X0
5:00 AMRAP
single arm DB hang clean & jerk
20 DUs in between each set
Rest 2:00
5:00 AMRAP
single arm DB squat clean- DB on the right for 1 rep, then on the left for 1 rep
10 jumping lunges between each set
4 rounds for time
every 3:00
20 elbow to tall plank
10 deadlifts 185/125 155/105 or use two DBs
5 hand release push ups
Post WOD
2 rounds- not timed- cool down10 thread the needle to thoracic rotation (5 each side)10 reps cat/camels (cows)
10 reps child's pose to cobra
Warm Up
3 Sets
5 Dumbbell RDL@ 3030
5 Single Arm Cuban Press/arm slow
5 Burpee High Jump
15sec Run Acceleration (increase pace every 5sec- this is like pick ups on a track)
rest as needed
2 sets
A. KB behind the back hip hinge x 10 reps https://www.instagram.com/p/BuSV7IphRAN/
B. band pull apart ( yellow mini-band) ISO hip hinge x 10 reps- video is same as above
C. QL walks x 15 each direction
Strength Set
3 sets of
A. suitcase long step walking lunges x 7-8 reps/side @ 30x0
B. hip thrusts with DB on hips x 8-10 reps @ 20x2
C. cyclist 1 1/4 squats x 8-10 reps @ 2111
4 rounds for time
every 3:00
20 elbow to tall plank
10 deadlifts 185/125 155/105 or use two DBs
5 hand release push ups
Post WOD
2 rounds- not timed- cool down10 thread the needle to thoracic rotation (5 each side)10 reps cat/camels (cows)
10 reps child's pose to cobra