workout of the day
40 DUs or 120 singles
10 Sandbag cleans - Rogue bag 150/100 or wreckbags 70/50/35
30 DUs or 90 singles
100m sandbag bear hug carry
20 DUs or 60 singles
10 sandbag over a box (48" or 40")- 5 each side- get the sandbag on top of the box and push it over.
Warm Up
3:00 run, row or bike
3 Rounds, rotating stations every :30 seconds:
A) Alternating Samson Stretches
B) Glute Bridges with feet up on a bench
C) Alternating Spiderman + Reach
D) Banded Good Mornings
Mobility: shoulder stability
1. alternating low box (a plate on the floor) hand walks x 10/side
2. 1-arm depth push up with shoulder tap x 5/side
3. low box (plates on floor) lateral hands walks for speed x 5/direction
4. Ts + angels on a bench x 10 reps
Skill: holds (12:00)
6 sets of
30 second handstand hold
10 second hollow hold
10 second superman hold
rest 1:10
40 DUs or 120 singles
10 Sandbag cleans - Rogue bag 150/100 or wreckbags 70/50/35
30 DUs or 90 singles
100m sandbag bear hug carry
20 DUs or 60 singles
10 sandbag over a box (48" or 40")- 5 each side- get the sandbag on top of the box and push it over.
07.12.18 Mile Run with a Partner
Warm Up2 rounds: 400 m run 8 dips- stationary or dynamic 4- 6 reps each leg KB rack drop lunge 20- 30 sec hollow body hold
Mobility: hip flow
Ankle stretch x :30 each side- elevate the foot and stretch in a spiderman lunge
Lateral banded walks over 2 plates stacked- band goes around ankles. Step lateral onto plate and off plate 10 reps each side
Psoas march- band around the soles of the feet- hands on a bench- hips stay up off the bench and you march your knees up as high as they can go- stretching the band apart. x 10 reps each side
Primer: 5:00 EMOM Slow Pull Power Clean + Power Clean + Hang Power Clean
*build load every minute
*slow pull should take :04 to move from the start position to the knees. Work on body position.
WOD 7:00 Time Cap with a partner complete a 1 mile run- switch partners every 200m (out the garage door and around to the street and back into the door by the bikes) max reps power cleans 135/95 or 115/75 or 95/65
team score= reps of power cleans plus extra bonus points for finishing the mile under the time cap. Example- team finishes run at 6:50, they receive 10 extra points (reps) added to their rep total from the cleans.
Post WOD 3 rds of 10 hollow rocks and 10 sec Superman hold
Warm Up2 Rounds: 30 Single Unders or Double-Unders 15 Calorie Bike or Row 12 Abmat Sit-Ups 9 Slow Banded Good Mornings 6 Inchworms
Mobility: Foam roll quads and hammies 2:00 Deep spiderman lunge stretch :30 each side Deep goblet squat stretch- with plate :30-:45 MIni-band around ankles- small squat- kick one leg out to the side and back x10 reps each side
Skill: back squats Warm up with 10 reps empty bar, 5 reps @50%, 3 reps @ 60% 5 reps @ 70% 3 reps @ 75% 2 reps @ 80% 1 rep @ 85% 1 rep @ 90%
WOD 4 Rounds (10:00) HSPU or HS hold x 30 seconds Wall balls x 45 seconds 20/14 Rest x 1:15
Post WOD 4:00 Tabata style :20 work :10 rest- each minute will have 2 tabata sets min 1: hollow hold min 2: superman hold min 3: hollow rocks min 4: superman rocks