workout of the day
09.23.2023 Partner WOD
"Dumbbell Inferno"
With a partner complete as many reps as possible in 30 minutes
100' Front Rack Dumbbell Walking Lunge
90 AbMat Sit Ups
80 Dumbbell Deadlifts
70 Push Ups
60 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean
50 Pull Ups
40 Dumbbell Front Squats
30 Toes to Bar
20 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead
10 Synchronized Burpees
"Dumbbell Inferno"
With a partner complete as many reps as possible in 30 minutes
100' Front Rack Dumbbell Walking Lunge
90 AbMat Sit Ups
80 Dumbbell Deadlifts
70 Push Ups
60 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean
50 Pull Ups
40 Dumbbell Front Squats
30 Toes to Bar
20 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead
10 Synchronized Burpees
08.31.2022 Partner WOD
Team of 2
25:00 AMRAP
200m sandbag carry- together switching the bag back and forth
2 rounds
20 deadlifts 185/125 135/95 115/75
10 synchro bar facing burpees*
*the synchro happens when both people are flat on the floor
Warm Up
2 rounds
8 alternating bird dogs @2020
5 single arm walking KB swing- each side https://youtu.be/KERoYjuxq7g
10 second standing straight leg hold- each side
50 feet single arm OH carry- each side
Skill: handstand work from a bench/box + RDLs
Super Set 3 times
A. Gymnastics complex- rest as needed between sets
1️ HSPU from the box x 2
2️ Walk out to plank and back to stack x 2
3️ Leg raises x1 per leg
4️ Corner walk x1 per corner
5️ Leg raises x1 per leg
6️ HSPU from the box x 2
B. Single leg KB RDLs x 6-8 reps heavy
Team of 2
25:00 AMRAP
200m sandbag carry- together switching the bag back and forth
2 rounds
20 deadlifts 185/125 135/95 115/75
10 synchro bar facing burpees*
*the synchro happens when both people are flat on the floor
05.22.2021 Partner WOD
"Buddy Lift" 30:00 AMRAP
50 deadlifts
50 hang power cleans
50 front squats
50 shoulder to overhead
every 2:00 complete 5 synchro burpees
RX 135/95
INT 95/65
SC 75/55
Warm Up
400m Run
10 empty bar thrusters
10 dead bugs
300m Run
10 KB swings
10 2- legged pistols keep knees and feet together as you squat
200m Run
20 banded glute bridges
banded ankle distraction x 45 seconds each side
hip flexor kicks x 7/side https://www.instagram.com/p/BwkLxo5gyDQ/
robust shoulders: 3 movements with an orange band
"Buddy Lift" 30:00 AMRAP
50 deadlifts
50 hang power cleans
50 front squats
50 shoulder to overhead
every 2:00 complete 5 synchro burpees
RX 135/95
INT 95/65
SC 75/55
02.08.2020 Partner WOD- Bring A Friend Day
Make up Strength/Skill
WOD:Partner WOD
21:00 AMRAP
10 wall balls 20/14
10 DB snatch 50/35 35/20
10 cal row
every 3:00 partners stop and complete 10 synchronized burpees
*you go, I go style wod*
February Monthly Challenge
day 8- pistol 8 reps each side. Be sure to alternate sidesOR touch down squats
Other challenges this month
100 calories on the assault bike
Make up Strength/Skill
WOD:Partner WOD
21:00 AMRAP
10 wall balls 20/14
10 DB snatch 50/35 35/20
10 cal row
every 3:00 partners stop and complete 10 synchronized burpees
*you go, I go style wod*
February Monthly Challenge
day 8- pistol 8 reps each side. Be sure to alternate sides OR touch down squats
Other challenges this month
100 calories on the assault bike
01.25.2020 Partner WOD
Make up Strength/Skill
with a partner
MB cleans x 40 reps 20/14- you can divide reps
Synchro burpees x 20
Row x 40 cals- you can divide calories
Synchro TTB x 20 or sub hanging knee raises
Make up Strength/Skill
with a partner
MB cleans x 40 reps 20/14- you can divide reps
Synchro burpees x 20
Row x 40 cals- you can divide calories
Synchro TTB x 20 or sub hanging knee raises
11.29.19 9am and 10am ONLY Partner WOD
Partner WOD
4:00 AMRAP
25 synchro burpees over the barbell
max reps deadlifts- one work, one rest 275/175 225/125
Rest 2:00
Each partner completes 3 rounds- one round at a time
5 clean & jerk 135/95 115/75 95/65
5 bar facing burpees
10 cal row
Rest 2:00
Each partner completes 2 rounds- one round at a time
10 OHS 135/95 115/75 95/65
50 DUs or 75 single unders
Warm Up
Circle of fun warm up
listening and repeating movement game
Burgener Warm Up with PVC
*The warm-up you will do every day for the rest of your life*
Perform 3 reps of each
✅Down and Finish (speed thru the middle)
✅Elbows High & Outside (keep bar close)
✅Muscle Snatch (strong turnover)- do muscle clean
✅Snatch Lands 2,4,6 (Footwork)- do tall clean with these drops
✅Snatch Drops (Footwork)- tall cleans to the full depth
Partner WOD
4:00 AMRAP
25 synchro burpees over the barbell
max reps deadlifts- one work, one rest 275/175 225/125
Rest 2:00
Each partner completes 3 rounds- one round at a time
5 clean & jerk 135/95 115/75 95/65
5 bar facing burpees
10 cal row
Rest 2:00
Each partner completes 2 rounds- one round at a time
10 OHS 135/95 115/75 95/65
50 DUs or 75 single unders
Make up Strength/Skill
In 12 Minutes Complete
20 Synchronized Burpees
30 Snatches 95/65
20 Synchronized Burpees
30 Snatches 115/80
20 Synchronized Burpees
30 Snatches 135/95
20 Synchronized Burpees
AMRAP Snatches 155/115
Burpees are done synchronized with both partners on the ground at the same time. Snatches are total reps split between the partners however you choose.
Intermediate and Scaled
In 12 Minutes Complete
20 Synchronized Burpees
30 Snatches 75/55
20 Synchronized Burpees
30 Snatches 95/65
20 Synchronized Burpees
30 Snatches 115/80
20 Synchronized Burpees
AMRAP Snatches 135/95
Make up Strength/Skill
In 12 Minutes Complete
20 Synchronized Burpees
30 Snatches 95/65
20 Synchronized Burpees
30 Snatches 115/80
20 Synchronized Burpees
30 Snatches 135/95
20 Synchronized Burpees
AMRAP Snatches 155/115
Burpees are done synchronized with both partners on the ground at the same time. Snatches are total reps split between the partners however you choose.
Intermediate and Scaled
In 12 Minutes Complete
20 Synchronized Burpees
30 Snatches 75/55
20 Synchronized Burpees
30 Snatches 95/65
20 Synchronized Burpees
30 Snatches 115/80
20 Synchronized Burpees
AMRAP Snatches 135/95