workout of the day
"Mic Drop"
20:00 EMOM
min 1- 13/10 cals bike
min 2- 3 wall walks
min 3- 13/10 cals row
min 4- 5 dual DB devil's press 50/35 35/20
4 sets of tall clean + tall jerk x 1 @50%
6 sets of clean & jerk x 1 @ 75-85%
"Mic Drop"
20:00 EMOM
min 1- 13/10 cals bike
min 2- 3 wall walks
min 3- 13/10 cals row
min 4- 5 dual DB devil's press 50/35 35/20
10.15.2022 Partner WOD
"Small Pieces"
with a partner for time
split the wod however you want in any order
120 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
90 box jumps 24/20"
60 burpee pull ups -use a box to jump for the pull up to scale
30 C2B pull ups or banded strict pull ups
Warm up
2 sets
10 box step ups
10 scap pull ups
10 kipping swings
5 barbell power cleans
5 barbell strict press
200m row/ski or bike
3 sets of 3 reps of each exercise. Increase load as needed.
▫️Muscle Clean into Squat: Start flat foot with shoulders over the bar and feet in your normal clean landing position. The goal is to use the bar to pull yourself down into the squat, by pulling on the bar and lowering the hips simultaneously. Arms and legs should bend at the same time. Feet should stay flat and connected to the ground for this whole drill.
▫️Tall Clean: Start on the ball of the foot with shoulders over the bar and straight legs. Use the weight of the bar to pull yourself down into a squat, with the goal of racking the bar when the feet hit the floor. The feet should move on this drill but there is no dip to generate power.
▫️Clean from Power Position: This drill begins with a dip to generate power, and is great for helping you feel your legs if you tend to use the hips too much. The goal is to keep the shoulders over the bar through the dip and leg extension, then rack the bar when the feet hit the floor.
"Small Pieces"
with a partner for time
split the wod however you want in any order
120 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
90 box jumps 24/20"
60 burpee pull ups -use a box to jump for the pull up to scale
30 C2B pull ups or banded strict pull ups
"Sweet Escape"
power cleans 165/125 135/95 95/65
front squats 165/125 135/95 95/65
HSPU- option to do strict
Rest 3:00
hang power cleans 155/105 115/75 75/55
DUs x 20 after each set of cleans
Warm Up
Two Sets:
Kettlebell Halos x 5 each direction
Single-Leg Deadlifts x 5 each side
Followed by…
Two Sets:
Kettlebell Windmills x 5 reps (left)
Single-Arm Kettlebell Push Press (left) x 5
Waiter Carry (left) x 20-30 yards
Kettlebell Windmills x 5 reps (right)
Single-Arm Kettlebell Push Press (right) x 6-8
Waiter Carry (right) x 20-30 yards
Wrist warm up
1. Wrist Ups (from knees):
keep fingers on ground (palms/thumbs come off ground).
Elbows stay locked.
Consistent pace on both upward and downward action
(10 reps x 1 round)
2. Wrist Rolls (10 reps)
3. Plank Wrist Ups w/ Shift:
shift weight from shoulders and lift opposing palms/thumbs off ground. Controlled pace throughout
(5 reps each side x 2 rounds)
4. Wrist Rolls (10 reps)
5. Extended Arm Stretch:
Palm forward:
peel fingers back slowly while keeping elbow locked out.
Stretch wrist and forearms as much as possible.
(10 sec hold each side)
Palm down:
push down on back of hand while keeping elbow locked out.
Use light pressure and build according to what you can handle
(10 sec hold each side)
5:00 EMOM
clean pull + tall clean + power clean
build in warm up weight
"Sweet Escape"
power cleans 165/125 135/95 95/65
front squats 165/125 135/95 95/65
HSPU- option to do strict
Rest 3:00
hang power cleans 155/105 115/75 75/55
DUs x 20 after each set of cleans
"Guide Us"
5 rounds for time
15/side skaters
5 DB power cleans
7 DB facing burpees
this is a fast, cardio sprint. Keep moving!
Barbell version
5 rounds for time
10/8 cals bike or 12/10 cals row
5 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
7 bar facing burpees
Warm Up
2 rounds
10 hip bridge walk outs
10/side single leg hip bridges
5 push ups
4 shoulder taps each side
3 yoga push ups
6 deep squat progressions
30 second thread the needle-moving to both sides
30 second child's pose to cobra
30 second table top hold
4/side perfect stretch
Home Weightlifting with PVC
press in clean 2 sets of 10
tall muscle clean 2 sets of 10
tall clean 3 sets of 3
push press + clean grip OHS 3 sets of 5 + 2
every 90 seconds for 4 sets
2x power clean + 1 x power jerk
1- 65%
2- 70%
3- 75%
4- 80%
every 30 seconds for 4 sets
touch and go power clean & power jerk x 3 reps @ 70-75%
"Guide Us"
5 rounds for time
15/side skaters
5 DB power cleans
7 DB facing burpees
this is a fast, cardio sprint. Keep moving!
Barbell version
5 rounds for time
10/8 cals bike or 12/10 cals row
5 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
7 bar facing burpees
Core Builder https://www.instagram.com/p/CHQY4Zrr7vS/
3 sets:
20 lying Leg raise to DB
20 Leg Lifts over DB
20 Weight DB sit ups
20 Hip Dips (10/side)
20 toe touch + knee to elbow + knee cross body (10/side)
Rest 1-2 min between sets
14:00 AMRAP
14 burpee box jump overs
14 DB step ups
14 DB push press
Warm Up
2 rounds
10 hip bridge walk outs
10/side single leg hip bridges
5 push ups
4 shoulder taps each side
3 yoga push ups
6 deep squat progressions
30 second thread the needle-moving to both sides
30 second child's pose to cobra
30 second table top hold
4/side perfect stretch
Home Weightlifting
press in clean 2 sets of 10
tall muscle clean 2 sets of 10
tall clean 3 sets of 3
push press + clean grip OHS 3 sets of 5 + 2
Super set
3 sets
10/side DB trap raises- light weight
10/side DB high pulls
14:00 AMRAP
14 burpee box jump overs
14 DB step ups
14 DB push press
"Robin's Eggs"
4 Rounds for Time
20 elbow to tall plank
30 seconds DB farmers walk with whatever heavy you have
10 alternating DB gorilla rows
10 hand release push ups
Warm Up
2 rounds
5 single arm Turkish sit ups R
1 Turkish get up R
50 feet single arm KB overhead carry R or hold overhead for 30 seconds
5 single arm Turkish sit ups L
1 Turkish get up L
50 feet single arm KB overhead carry L or hold overhead for 30 seconds
10 scap push ups
Home Weightlifting
press in clean 2 x 10 reps with a 3 second hold overhead
tall muscle clean + front squat 2 sets of 5 reps of each
tall clean 4 sets of 3 reps (1st rep at 1/4 depth, 2nd rep at parallel, 3rd rep below parallel)
clean pull to hold 3 sets of 3 reps (get that chest up so you are slightly out of the way of the bar )
"Robin's Eggs"
4 Rounds for Time
20 elbow to tall plank
30 seconds DB farmers walk with whatever heavy you have
10 alternating DB gorilla rows
10 hand release push ups
6:00 AMRAP
200m run or 60 seconds jogging high knees or jumping jacks
DUs x 30
DB swings x 5
Rest 2:00
6:00 AMRAP
200m run or 60 seconds jogging high knees or jumping jacks
DUs x 30
DB thrusters x 6 (DB on the right for 3, DB on the left for 3)
Warm up
3 sets
20 frog pumps + 20 second isometric hold at the top of the last rep
8-10 goblet curtsy step down/leg on a box
Strength Super Set
3 sets of:
KB goblet deficit split squat @ 2110 8/side
Cossack squats no weight added @ 30X0
Home Weightlifting with PVC or barbell if you have one to use
clean pull to hold + tall clean + clean + power jerk + split jerk
4 rounds of this complex with 3 reps of each movement
6:00 AMRAP
200m run or 60 seconds jogging high knees or jumping jacks
DUs x 30
DB swings x 5
Rest 2:00
6:00 AMRAP
200m run or 60 seconds jogging high knees or jumping jacks
DUs x 30
DB thrusters x 6 (DB on the right for 3, DB on the left for 3)
Two sets of:
Hollow Body Bounce x 60/80/100 reps
Straight Body Ceiling-reaching Crunches x 10/20/30 reps
Tuck Rock to Tuck Sit x 10/20/30 reps
Hollow Body Side-to-side Rocks x 10/20/30 reps
Hand Plank Arch/Hollow x 10/20/30 reps
Limbo Twist x 10/20/30 reps