workout of the day
10.12.2023 Member of the Month
Member of the Month
For Time
cals row
power cleans 115/75 95/65 75/55
kipping pull ups
warm up with 3 sets of each drill- keep light to focus on technique
A. tall cleans x 2 reps
B. tall jerks x 2 reps
6 sets of mid-patella clean + split jerk
set 1-2 @75%
set 3-4 @80%
set 5-6 @85%
Member of the Month
For Time
cals row
power cleans 115/75 95/65 75/55
kipping pull ups or ring rows
09.21.2023 Hero WOD
5 Rounds For Time
12 Deadlifts (155/105 lb)
9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105 lb)
6 Push Jerks (155/105 lb)
Background: In honor of US Air Force SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on February, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy was survived by his wife Megan and his son, T.J., who was one year old when he passed.
The original “DT” Hero WOD was first posted on the CrossFit main site as the workout of the day for Tuesday, April 14, 2009 (“090414“).
warm up with 3 sets of each drill- keep light to focus on technique
A. tall cleans
B. tall jerks
6 sets of mid-patella clean x 2 + split jerk
set 1-2 @73%
set 3-4 @78%
set 5-6 @82%
5 Rounds For Time
12 Deadlifts (155/105 lb)
9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105 lb)
6 Push Jerks (155/105 lb)
Background: In honor of US Air Force SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on February, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy was survived by his wife Megan and his son, T.J., who was one year old when he passed.
The original “DT” Hero WOD was first posted on the CrossFit main site as the workout of the day for Tuesday, April 14, 2009 (“090414“).
"Professor X"
5 rounds for time
50m sled push- keep it light or empty- to pylon and back
8 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
Warm Up
10 Xiaopeng circles
10 IYT + other letters
20 wall supported deadbugs
10 squat pulses
10 hip airplanes
1:00 cardio
2 sets
landmine RDL x 8 on the right
10 hang muscle cleans
landmine RDL x 8 on the left
5 tall cleans
A. 6 sets of
1 hang clean + 1 tempo front squat @ 3011
start at 60% and build load with good squat form
B. clean pull + 5 second eccentric lowering
3 sets of 2 reps @ 85% 1RM clean
Primer for HSPU
practice kicking up to the wall
2 sets
1. handstand shrugs x 10 reps
2. handstand marches x 5/side
"Professor X"
5 rounds for time
50m sled push- keep it light or empty- to pylon and back
8 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
"Up Down"
5 rounds for time
10 burpee over the bar
squat cleans at your 80-85%
Warm up
2 sets
empty bar clean high pulls x 10
empty bar muscle clean x 10
6 each side curtsy squats
6 each side low switch Cossack squats
6 each side quadruped shoulder taps with a 3 second pause
Primer- 2 sets
1. bottoms up alternating KB press x 6 each side
2. DB Chinese row x 10 each side https://youtu.be/o_Ul5lc7Vkw
Strength- cleans
A. 4 sets of 3 reps tall cleans- light loads, work position and speed
B. 5 sets of 1 squat clean + 3 push jerk @75-85% of your push jerk 1RM
"Up Down"
5 rounds for time
10 burpee over the bar
squat cleans at your 80-85%
For Time
50m dual KB overhead carry 35/26
400m run
50 KB swings 53/35
400m run
50m dual KB overhead carry 35/26
Warm Up
2 sets of
Run/Row/Bike 200m
10 goblet curtsy squats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xClhGjz7p0A
6 half kneeling single arm KB press/arm
Skill: 3 sets of
A. RNT (Reactive Neuromuscular Training) split squat x 6-8 each side
start with no weight and try to build light DB load each hand
**RNT exercises are used to fix knee cave. The use of a band that pulls the body into a bad position, basically feeding the problem, which causes the body to learn how to correct for the problem by turning the lateral glutes on at the right time to keep the knees in line with the foot
B. Single arm OH carry 50'/side
Clean Primer:
4 sets of the complex at 35%of 1RM power clean
1 clean pull
3 tall cleans
1 power clean
1 push jerk
hang clean + clean- practice squatting these
for 8 sets @ 55-60-65-70-75-80-85-85+%
strict press
3 sets of 5 reps @ 70-75% (last time we did 3 x7 @ 65-70%)
For Time
50m dual KB overhead carry 35/26
400m run
50 KB swings 53/35
400m run
50m dual KB overhead carry 35/26
"Brown Bag"
20:00 EMOM
min 1- 5 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65 RX + 155/105
min 2- 200m row or run
min 3- 15 TTB or hanging knee raises
min 4- 15 burpees
Warm up
2 sets
10 underswitch to crab reach https://youtu.be/Yrgx959kdME
20 tall plank knee to elbow
10 tall kneeling to standing
5 empty barbell hang muscle cleans
5 empty barbell power cleans
8 x each side - calf eccentrics- stand on a 25# plate, lift up on two feet and slowly lower on one foot to stretch the calf https://youtu.be/A4v0vGhgQhM
30 seconds each side banded ankle dorsiflexion
30 second squat hold with a plate- rock back and forth to stretch ankles
2 sets
30 second front rack stretch with empty barbell
5 each side xiaopengs
Strength: cleans
A. 4 x 3 tall cleans- keep light to work speed
B. 3 x 2 high hang squat cleans 55-65%
C. 3 x 2 hang squat cleans 65-75%
D. 4 x 3 clean grip deadlift 90-100%
"Brown Bag"
20:00 EMOM
min 1- 5 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65 RX + 155/105
min 2- 200m row or run
min 3- 15 TTB or hanging knee raises
min 4- 15 burpees
"Fibonacci Triad"
For Time
Buy In 800m Run
power cleans 115/75 95/65 75/55 or use DBs
front squats
Cash Out: 800m Run
Warm Up
3 Sets
1. Half-Kneeling Plate Halo x 8/knee
2. Single Arm Plate Bent Over Hip Row x 8/arm
3. L Plate Floor Press x 8 reps
4. Weight Plate L Crunch x 8 reps
5. Plate Russian Twist x 24reps (12/side)
3 sets- starting with an empty barbell and adding load each round
2 tall cleans
2 hang power cleans
2 power cleans
1 Kip cadence complex: 2 kip swings+ 2 knees to chest + 2 TTB with straight legs
"Fibonacci Triad"
For Time
Buy In 800m Run
power cleans 115/75 95/65 75/55 or use DBs
front squats
Cash Out: 800m Run
Arm Pump Finisher
3 Sets
12-15 KB Horn Curls https://youtu.be/YzTfq9VaQKs
12-15 Tall Kneeling KB Horn Tricep Extensions https://youtu.be/qRnzxoKhCVU
12-15 KB Crush Grip Floor Press https://youtu.be/ZqLIdM2xdTE
rest as needed between sets and movements