workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Stairway to Fitness"
8:00 AMRAP
S2OH 115/85
alternating pistols
add 2 reps each round until time expires

Warm Up
Run 200m
10 empty barbell thrusters
30 seconds hollow rocks
rest 1:00
Run 200m
10 empty barbell Kang squats
12 air chair swings

Pull up work
A. 1 x 20 standing lat pull downs
B. 5 x 1 toe assist pull ups
C. 2 x 10 active hanging shrugs from pull up bar

A. 3 sets of 2 reps tall snatch- keep these light and focus on speed pulling under the barbell
B. 2 sets of 1 rep high hang snatch @ 60-65%
C. 2 sets of 1 rep hang snatch @ 70-75%
D. 2 sets of 1 rep hang snatch below the knee @ 80-85%
6:00 EMOM
1 rep power snatch @ 70%

"Stairway to Fitness"
8:00 AMRAP
S2OH 115/85
alternating pistols
add 2 reps each round until time expires

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


EMOM x 10:00
5 DB facing burpees
max reps DB hang snatch

Rest 5:00

EMOM 10:00
5 DB facing burpees
max reps DB hang clean & jerk

Warm Up
2 rounds
15 each leg lateral leg swings
5 each side groiners
30 seconds each side Samson stretch

2 rounds for quality
Spiderman lunge + reach x 4/side
side plank on elbow x 20 seconds/side
crab walk x 10 feet
table top hold x 20 seconds
pigeon pose x 20 seconds/side

Home Weightlifting
OHS 3 sets of 5 reps
Press in snatch 2 x 10 reps
Tall muscle snatch 2 x 10 reps
Tall snatch 4 x 3 reps

EMOM x 10:00
5 DB facing burpees
max reps DB hang snatch

Rest 5:00

EMOM 10:00
5 DB facing burpees
max reps DB hang clean & jerk

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest

01.20.2020 '8 is Great'

8 is Great
16:00 AMRAP
8 power snatch  95/65   75/55  65/45
8 burpee over the bar
8 thrusters
8 pull ups

Warm Up
3 rounds of:

MB lateral throws to brick wall x 10/side
MB hamstring curls x 15
MB seated wall balls x 10
MB on hips for frog bridges x 15

Mobility:  banded shoulder warm up

Perform 10-12 reps of each movement
1. Internal Rotations
2. External Rotations
3. Face Pulls
4. Band Pull Aparts 90 Degrees
5. Band Pull Aparts 45 Degrees
6. Upright Rows

Burgener Warm Up with PVC

*The warm-up you will do every day for the rest of your life*
Perform 3 reps of each
✅Down and Finish (speed thru the middle)
✅Elbows High & Outside (keep bar close)
✅Muscle Snatch (strong turnover)
✅Snatch Lands 2,4,6 (Footwork)
✅Snatch Drops (Footwork)

Skill: snatch

A.  Tall snatch 3 sets of 3 reps light weight to focus on speed
B.  Power snatch  5 sets of 3 reps with 50%-60% to focus on extension and speed
C.  Snatch pulls  3 sets of 2 reps with 90% to focus on driving through the ground and staying vertical

8 is Great
16:00 AMRAP
8 power snatch  95/65   75/55  65/45
8 burpee over the bar
8 thrusters
8 pull ups

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


6 sets of 2 reps Overhead Squats- from the rack
starting at 60% and build load

Warm Up
2 rounds:
100m run
10/side DB high pulls
5/side DB plank pull throughs
10 Kang squats
5 deep squat progressions

A. Banded lateral walks x 20 steps/side
B. Eccentric pull ups 3x3 with a 5 second descend- this helps lengthen the lat muscles which in turn helps with stretching them for weightlifting
C. box stretch x 3 exhales for 3 sets

Snatch Skills & Drills (28:00)
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Press from Receiving x 5 reps
*if you are unable to do Sotts press, perform the press while sitting on a box or while having the heels on two 5# plates.

OR try this one:
Goblet squat & press- keep the elbows in tight as you press overhead

Build over the course of the three sets.

Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Tall Snatch x 3 reps- keep these light around 40-50%

Snatch Progressions
Every 1:30 for 4 sets, complete:
Mid-Thigh Snatch x 2 reps @ 50-65%
*Hold the mid-thigh position for 3 seconds

followed by …

Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes, complete:
Slow Pull Snatch x 1 rep @ 70%

followed by …

Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes, complete:
1 snatch squat or power building from the 70%

Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes, complete:

Snatch Pulls x 2 reps @ 90-95%


6 sets of 2 reps Overhead Squats- from the rack
starting at 60% and build load

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