workout of the day
10.24.2020 Team Of 4
For Time, Complete as a team of 4 athletes
Calories on the Rower and Barbell Thrusters
21, 18, 15, 12
All Athletes assemble by the rowers after setting their barbell up and in front of the rowers. Athlete 1 will start the WOD strapped into the rower with the remaining teammates behind. Upon completion of the calories the team will hustle to their individual barbell and each athlete will complete the thrusters. Before Athlete 2 can start rowing 18 calories, each team member must complete the Thrusters and tag the rower. Repeat until the end. Time is called when your entire team tags the rower at the end.
Teams rest 3:00 then complete
5:00 AMRAP
slam balls for max reps
2 athletes working while 2 are resting
35/30/20/15 for weights
**record wod time and then reps for the AMRAP**
Warm Up
3 sets
7 barbell deadlifts
7 barbell hang power cleans
7 barbell strict press
5-8 push ups
20 jumping jack
2 sets
A. front rack stretch x 30 seconds
B. xiaopengs x 5/arm
C. deep squat plate hold x 15 seconds on, 15 seconds off
D. thread the needle + thoracic rotation x 5/side
For Time, Complete as a team of 4 athletes
Calories on the Rower and Barbell Thrusters
21, 18, 15, 12
All Athletes assemble by the rowers after setting their barbell up and in front of the rowers. Athlete 1 will start the WOD strapped into the rower with the remaining teammates behind. Upon completion of the calories the team will hustle to their individual barbell and each athlete will complete the thrusters. Before Athlete 2 can start rowing 18 calories, each team member must complete the Thrusters and tag the rower. Repeat until the end. Time is called when your entire team tags the rower at the end.
Teams rest 3:00 then complete
5:00 AMRAP
slam balls for max reps
2 athletes working while 2 are resting
35/30/20/15 for weights
**record wod time and then reps for the AMRAP**
04.13.19 Bring a Friend Day- Yoga and Wine afternoon
Make up Strength/Skill
Team of 4
2:00 on 2:00 off
two team members work for the 2:00, then switch with the other two team members for 2:00
The team working for the 2:00 completes:
20 cal row
max reps front squat 135/95 115/75
one work, one restTeam of 4 goes until 150 reps of front squats are completed.
Make up Strength/Skill
Team of 4
2:00 on 2:00 off
two team members work for the 2:00, then switch with the other two team members for 2:00
The team working for the 2:00 completes:
20 cal row
max reps front squat 135/95 115/75
one work, one rest
Team of 4 goes until 200 reps of front squats are completed.
Yoga and Wine/Beer Event this afternoon. Starts at 3pm!
11.22.18- Thanksgiving- 8am wod only
Team of 4
each team will complete 4 x 4:00 AMRAP with 1:00 transition
Score is the total reps for all stations
station one: python squats- all 4 team members must work together
Teams will need to lift the worm to the shoulder and squat together. Team will be required to switch shoulders with the worm every 10 reps.
station two: farmer carry and assault bike- 2 team members per exercise KB 53/35#
Two team members will carry a KB in each hand for 25'. Each section of 25' counts for one rep.
Two team members will bike for calories.
Teammates can switch tasks only once during the 4:00.
station three: sandbag over the bar- 2 team members work together while 2 rest
Two team members work together to lift a Rogue marshmallow sandbag over a racked barbell. One team member lifts the sandbag over the barbell while the other team member waits to lift it and throw it back. Each lift over the bar counts as a rep. Team members can switch out at any point.
station four: barbell synchronized push press- 2 team members work together while 2 rest 95/65#
Two team members must synchronize the barbell push press so that the lockout is together. Each synchronized push press counts as one rep- not two! Team members can switch out at any point.
Team of 4
each team will complete 4 x 4:00 AMRAP with 1:00 transition
Score is the total reps for all stations
Station ONE: python squats- all 4 team members must work together
Teams will need to lift the worm to the shoulder and squat together. Team will be required to switch shoulders with the worm every 10 reps.
Station TWO: farmer carry and assault bike- 2 team members per exercise KB 53/35#
Two team members will carry a KB in each hand for 25'. Each section of 25' counts for one rep.
Two team members will bike for calories.
Teammates can switch tasks only once during the 4:00.
Station THREE: sandbag over the bar- 2 team members work together while 2 rest
Two team members work together to lift a Rogue marshmallow sandbag over a racked barbell. One team member lifts the sandbag over the barbell while the other team member waits to lift it and throw it back. Each lift over the bar counts as a rep. Team members can switch out at any point.
Station FOUR: barbell synchronized push press- 2 team members work together while 2 rest 95/65#
Two team members must synchronize the barbell push press so that the lockout is together. Each synchronized push press counts as one rep- not two! Team members can switch out at any point.