workout of the day
Test SIX: Muscle Endurance
5min AMRAP
Turkish get ups- alternating arms every 2 reps 35/26
rest 60 seconds
4min AMRAP
quadruped crawl for distance or handstand walk for distance
rest 60 seconds
3min AMRAP
v-ups or tuck ups
rest 60 seconds
2min AMRAP
beast to alternating leg through https://youtu.be/EQEuNPVppO8
rest 60 seconds
1min AMRAP hand release push ups
Warm Up
3 rounds
40 jumping jacks
25 feet quadruped crawl forward
25 feet quadruped crawl backward
30 second reverse plank bridge (table top)
5 scap push ups
Test SIX: Muscle Endurance
5min AMRAP
Turkish get ups- alternating arms every 2 reps 35/26
rest 60 seconds
4min AMRAP
quadruped crawl for distance or handstand walk for distance
rest 60 seconds
3min AMRAP
v-ups or tuck ups
rest 60 seconds
2min AMRAP
beast to alternating leg through https://youtu.be/EQEuNPVppO8
rest 60 seconds
1min AMRAP hand release push ups
Cool down
30 seconds thread the needle each side
30 seconds mixed grip passive hang on rig each side- (switch your grip)
1:00 child's pose
"Heavy Cream"
5:00 AMRAP
L-sit lift overs L+R=1 https://youtu.be/ZXqCBd9H3nE
Tuck ups or V-ups
Pistols L+R=1 sub a progression or touchdown squats
Rest 2:00
5:00 AMRAP
Turkish get ups L+R=1 keep weight lighter so you can move through the minutes
between each set do 10 air squats
Warm up
3 rounds
10 walking lunges + 10 spiderman lunges (getting done really low and knee over the toes)
10 PVC pass thrus
5/side DB OH squats
5/side DB strict press
Strength Set
3 sets
touchdown squats x 10/side @ 20x0 https://www.instagram.com/p/B5A9TCbAe_F/
DB single arm high pull x 8/side - move more load than last time 6/26
"Heavy Cream"
5:00 AMRAP
L-sit lift overs L+R=1 https://youtu.be/ZXqCBd9H3nE
Tuck ups or V-ups
Pistols L+R=1 sub a progression or touchdown squats
Rest 2:00
5:00 AMRAP
Turkish get ups L+R=1 keep weight lighter so you can move through the minutes
between each set do 10 air squats
20:00 EMOM
strength work
min 1- 3-5 TGU right side
min 2- elbow to tall plank x 8/side
min 3- 3-5 TGU left side
min 4- push ups x 10
Warm Up (6:00)
45 seconds jog in place/jumping jacks/ line hops
45 seconds plank hold from the elbow position
45 seconds jog in place/jumping jacks/line hops
45 seconds ground to sky reaches
45 seconds jog in place/jumping jacks/line hops
45 seconds wall sit hold
45 seconds jog in place/jumping jacks/line hops
45 seconds hip bridges
Try to complete the whole thing without a break .
:30s Palms Forward Pump
:30s Palms Backward Pump
:30s Internal/External Rotation
:30s Swimmers
1:00 Arms Extended Hold .
Home Weightlifting
press behind the neck 2 x 10 reps
press in split 2 x 10 reps
push jerk behind the neck in split 3 x 5 reps
tall split jerk 3 x 5 reps
20:00 EMOM
strength work
min 1- 3-5 TGU right side
min 2- elbow to tall plank x 8/side
min 3- 3-5 TGU left side
min 4- push ups x 10
shuttle sprints 25 feet x 6
front squats x 7 155/105 105/75 75/55 RX+ 185/135
*no racks, must come from the floor
Warm Up
With a partner- medicine ball drills
Do 10 reps each of the following:
1. Chest passes: Focus on keeping the knees straight while quickly driving the ball away from the chest.
2. Rotational tosses: Focus on flexing at both the hips and knees while keeping the core engaged.
3. Overhead passes: Focus on keeping the core engaged while the ball is overhead and using a contraction in the lats to drive the ball to the other person.
4. Squat + chest pass to partner: Focus on creating a core-to-extremity pattern, similar to a wall ball or thruster.
Mobility: shoulder warm up
Perform 5 reps each side- https://www.instagram.com/p/B58iPFdBw9t/
Focus on not shifting your torso and maintaining the other checkpoints we teach (neutral spine, ribs stacking over hips but not thrusting, neutral neck, core engaged, feet active, knees neutral).
Skill: Turkish Get Ups
4-3-2-1 each side building load and moving slowly through each position
shuttle sprints 25 feet x 6
front squats x 7 155/105 105/75 75/55 RX+ 185/135
*no racks, must come from the floor
WOD (17:00)- this a perfect time to challenge yourself on your mile time. Go hard. You will have rest afterwards. Record any new PRs on the board!
Run 1 mile for time- use the new course
at 12:00 on the clock
5:00 AMRAP
Turkish Get Ups- choose an appropriate KB weight where you can keep moving through the get up for the entire time limit. Record reps and KB weight to the board- along with mile time.
Warm Up
400m run
Two sets of: can be done with a partner
Rotational Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (right side)
Rotational Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (left side)
Rotational Kneeling Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (right side)
Rotational Kneeling Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (left side)
Max Overhead Med Ball Throws with heavy Med Ball x 5 reps (work to get as extended as possible)
Mobility for front squats
Box stretch for mid-back mobility https://www.instagram.com/p/By5shuGAlni/
With your elbows high on the box and PVC pipe in hand, drop your chest to the ground and attempt to arch your mid back. Hold this position for 3 good exhales and try 5 reps in a row.📝
Perform 5 reps zombie squats with light load
Skill: front squat (10:00)
5 sets of 4 reps @ 68-72% tempo 3111
this is a 2-4% increase from the last time you did tempo front squats
Running Warm Up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKawQ2R3C4I
A skips
B skips
C skips
*watch video to see each skip and then decide if you have time to do the skips backwards or laterally.
WOD (17:00)- this a perfect time to challenge yourself on your mile time. Go hard. You will have rest afterwards. Record any new PRs on the board!
Run 1 mile for time- use the new course
at 12:00 on the clock
5:00 AMRAP
Turkish Get Ups- choose an appropriate KB weight where you can keep moving through the get up for the entire time limit. Record reps and KB weight to the board- along with mile time.
Upcoming Events: Bring a Friend Day 2/10 7/8/9am wods and Swim WOD 2/11 9:30am Warm Up: 2:00 bike or row 20 reps banded face pulls 10 reps feet elevated ring rows 5 reps gymnastics complex- inchworm, bottom of push up, scorpion stretch to each side, push up, walk feet to hands
Wrist stretches
Banded lat stretch x :30 each side
Couch stretch x :30 each side
Warm Up for gymnastics movements- ring swings, kip swings, dips, shoulder circles, arm circles
WOD 30:00 EMOM min 1- 3 muscle ups or 3 pull ups/3 ring dips min 2- 2 Heavy TGU (1 each side) min 3- 20' handstand walk or :40 handstand hold min 4- max cals on assault bike for :30 min 5- rest
score will be recorded at cals on bike