workout of the day
06.05.18 bench press 3RM
Warm Up:400m run, row or bike KB swings x 10 rower pike up x 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6O8kZDgsRmo KB goblet cossack lunge x 10 (5 each side)
then.. Two sets of: Ring Swings x 5 reps (or bar swings) Scap Pull-Ups x 3 reps Strict Pull-Up x 1 rep
banded pec stretch x :30 each side bicep curls palms up x 5 and thumbs up x 5 with light weight (no more then 5#) banded lat stretch x :30 each side overhead lateral raises palms up x 5 and thumbs up x 5 with light weight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6GcYZi7G7k&feature=youtu.be
Skill: bench press to today's 3 RM warm ups with 5 reps @ 50%, 5 reps @ 60%, 3 reps @70@, 2 reps @ 80%
4 RFT 15 Unbroken wall balls 20/14 to 10'/9' target 10 box jump overs 24/20" 5 C2B pull ups or 3 strict pull ups or 2-3 muscle ups * scale pull ups to negatives or hardest ring row or strict pull from low bar